Not Strong Enough

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>>>Marinette's POV<<<

I gently pushed the cat-themed hero away from me, trying the wrap my mind around the situation. "I-I'm sorry, I just need time to think about every thing that has happened." At those words, the atmosphere felt Ambivalent and empty. After a moment of silence, the blonde spoke. "I . . . I guess I will take my leave. I will come back later though." He said, his voice sounding heavy with longing. Without a reply from me, he jumped out the window, leaving me alone with my confused thoughts. 

After a moment of me looking out the window without saying anything, I heard footsteps coming from the door. "Marinette, I am your nurse, I came to tell you that your friends from school want to visit you today. I told them ahead of time that you will not remember them and that they should visit in waves."

"Thank you nurse." I said, feeling guilty for something I don't even remember. "No problem, sweetheart." The nurse said as she exited the room. 

I was about to doze off when I heard a knock coming from the door. I told the person to come in, and they did. I looked over in the direction of the person, a girl with a high pony-tail and a lot of makeup.

The girl hesitantly walked over to me and sat on the chair beside the hospital bed. "H-hi . . . My name is Chloe, but I bet you don't remember and you probably don't want to." Chloe said with guilt piercing her crystal blue eyes as she said the last part silently. "Nice to meet you." I told the blonde, trying not to sound confused but with no avail. "I bet your wondering who I am." She continued while breaking eye contact. "We . . . .We weren't really close friends at all, in fact, we weren't friends at all." Chloe paused then continued, 

"I regret not being able to know you for you, and I'm genuinely sorry for that. Unfortunately, my daddy always wanted me to be better than others, just for marketing or something like that. Anyways, I realized everything that I have done to you, and I'm really sorry for everything."

Boy, I have no idea what I went through, but it must've been pretty bad. "I forgive you. I'm glad that I have friends that are helping me through this. Thank you Chloe." I told her, kindness creeping into my voice. Chloe then made eye contact with me with a shocked expression. "N-no, thank you, Marinette. I have never had any friends before, so it's nice to have someone who understands me after all I have put people through . . ." 

Chloe paused for a bit and then continued. "I guess I should leave now, thank you for wanting to talk Marinette." The blonde then got up from her chair and walked out the door. "Hope too see you around, Chloe!" I called after her. After about five minutes later, a girl with ombre hair walked in the room, tear stains on her cheeks. "Hey Mari." The brunette said while walking towards the chair. "Uh . . . Hey?" I responded nervously. "Oh right, I'm Alya. We are best friends at our school." The brunette said in a depressed tone. "We did everything together. Studying, homework, finding out who Ladybug is and so much more . . ." 

"W-we sound like really close friends. I wish I could remember you . . ." I said, disheartened. Alya continued, "But lets look on the bright side of things, you got to get right with Chloe, that's an accomplishment all in itself." She responded, putting on a fake smile. "Y-yeah . . . She told me what she has been through, and even though she told me she did those bad things everyone still deserves a second chance."

"Well, you haven't changed a bit!" The brunette giggled. "I guess I should leg it now. Nice talking to ya, Mari!" Alya said as she got up and walked towards the door. 


A half an hour passed and I met a lot of people. Chloe, Alya, Nino, Juleka, Rose, Alix, Kim, Maylene, Sabrina, Max and Ivan. And Nathaniel was last. 

>>>Adrien's POV<<<

"UGH! Plagg, what did I do wrong? I could have helped her! She was right there in front of me!" I cried out. Luckily my father and Nathalie are out on a business trip in Tibet, so they are out for while. "Look kid, it's not your fault, you can't save everyone." Plagg started. "You have to stay strong for her because you were the one that witnessed the problems that girl faced. Go talk to her" Plagg continued. "As Chat Noir." 

"But you saw her back there, she didn't want anything to do with me! She pushed me away. I want to help her, but I don't know how to!" I fumed. "It's either you be there for her, or you worry about your problems and insecurities. You make you choice, kid." Plagg responded as he gulped down a slice of cheese. 

I calmed down a bit and agreed with the cat-like kwami. Wow, that's the first time that Plagg actually gave some good advice without the words cheese in it. "I guess you're right . . ." I looked at my alarm clock, it was 8:30 p.m. "I guess I have time to see Mari."

"Plagg! Claws Out!" I said going into my transformation sequence.  After I transformed into Chat Noir, I jumped from rooftop to rooftop until I reached the hospital Marinette was in. I soon got to the window that belonged to her room and looked through only to find my nightmare. 

Marinette was kissing Nathaniel. I looked at the scene unfolding in front of me and my heart was shattered into a million pieces that was stomped on. "N-no! No! No!" Tears threatened to fall down my cheeks. When I realized there was no point in holding them back, I let them flow like a waterfall. I could feel my cat ears falling back against my head as I continued to cry out into the darkened sky. 

As if it could get any worse, it started to rain, causing my hair to get drenched. "I-I'm so sorry that I couldn't be strong enough for you, my princess. . . . ." I sobbed. Realizing that there is no place for me here, I pole-vaulted away, tears continuing to stream down my face. 

>>>Time Skip<<<

When I arrived at the Agreste Mansion, I jumped through my window and released my transformation as I fell on my bed. When Plagg got sucked out of my ring, he said nothing, but came up to me and hugged my cheek. After a moment of silence, I spoke, my voice wavering. "I'm so sorry, my princess." Plagg then hugged my cheek tighter as I cried myself to sleep.  

WOOOOOOOOOOO! Chapter 2 done! I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever. But don't worry, I'm not dead. I know I saw this a lot, but I promise I will update again very soon. My schedule has just been messed up because of mid-terms and I haven't found a whole lot of time. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

See ya!~


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