Forever So

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>>>Adrien's POV<<<

I leaned my head back against the wall, thinking about everything Marinette and I have gone through. I'm glad I had that small time with her, I just wish I could have done more. I have gotten barely any sleep since Marinette was in the hospital. I probably got a most 3 or so hours. 

"You should try talking to her again." Plagg said as he flew over on my shoulder. "Y-you saw how t-that played out." I choked on my words. Moments later, Plagg shrugged without saying another word. "I need fresh air." I stood up, my legs wavering from sitting down for too long. "Plagg, Claws Out." I said, not really interested in what life has to offer. 

After I transformed into my alter-ego and jumped out the window, the jump anything but graceful. After I reached the ground, I got up and walked towards the Eiffel Tower and sighed as it came into view. "I miss you so much, Princess." I sat on a park bench facing the Eiffel tower. 

I looked up at the magnificent monument, the tower clouded by grey clouds. I don't know what it is, but this weather is . . . comforting. I took a deep breath and rested my elbows in the palms of my hands, sighing as I felt the misty rain against my face. 

At least she is okay. I looked back up at the Eiffel Tower. Plagg is right, I shouldn't worry about my problems and insecurities and help the one that needs it most. 

I closed my eyes, feeling the cold mist on my face. I'm not ready for your rejection, but I'm ready to help you in any way I can, Princess. I looked back up at bleak Parisian sky. I promise this time I will be stronger for you. 

>>>Marinett's POV<<<

I was now on my stomach, scrolling through funny Tumblr posts to lighten the mood. "Hey Mari, do you want to try out your powers as Ladybug?" Tikki flew up next to my phone, the name ringing in my head like a bell. Mari . . . Mari . . . That sounds familiar, like I heard it from somewhere. "Marinette? You okay?" Tikki asked as she flew up on my head. "Y-yeah . . . I'm fine. Just thinking, I guess." Mari, Princess, Mari. I dropped my phone on the bed. I'm not planning on leaving you anytime soon, Princess. 

His words continued to ring inside my head as I got up from the bed and paced around. "Marinette! What's wrong?" Tikki flew up to me. "I-I don't k-know!" I sobbed and sat on the floor, leaning against my bed. "Mari, what's going on?" Tikki wiped off my tears. "I remember someone calling me Princess . . . I don't know why, but I feel . . ." I paused. 

"Sad. I feel like I betrayed someone." I hugged my knees close to my chest. "How do you remember that? You lost your memories." The polka-dotted kwami sat on my knees that were now hugged close to my chest. "I-I don't know. But when you said, M-Mari, something happened." My voice wavered. "Hmmm. I have never heard of that happening before." Tikki stated as she flew up on my nightstand and biting into a cookie. 

"First time for everything, I guess?" I rested my chin on my knees. "I don't know why, but I feel like something is missing." I said as I got up and walked over to my window. "Maybe you should go out for a bit, as  Ladybug." I sighed and then agreed. "Yeah, sure. I guess you're right."

"Tikki! Spots On!" Boy, this is a transformation I'm gonna have to get used to. Once I transformed into Ladybug, I jumped out my window. 

>>>Chat's POV<<<

I looked down at the grass below me that was now matted by rain. "Hey, Chat. You okay?" That voice. The voice that saved me from my own self-destruction. The voice that cared about every little thing about this world. The voice of an angel. 

I look out of the corner of my eye to find none other than, Ladybug. "E-everything is peachy . . ."I looked back down at the grass. I then felt small arms wrap around me, a head resting on my right shoulder. 

"I-I'm so sorry, Chat." The spotted heroin mumbled. "You did nothing wrong, Princess. I can't blame you for loosing your memories." I started while sighing. "If anything, I should be blaming myself. I should have protected you. I should have kept my promise . . ." I finished while Marinete's magnificent cerulean eyes looked at me in concern.

"Y-you promised me something?" She choked out. "I promised that I would protect you, that I would never let anything happen to you." Plagg told me not to beat myself up over this, but this was my fault. 

"Chat, you didn't let me die, even though I don't remember you, I'm still here. I'm alive." Her grip on me tightened. "I care about you, Chat." She finished. 

"Then answer this one question." I mumbled. I saw her look up at me, confusion clouding her gaze. "Why did I see you with Nathaniel that other night?" I said coldly. After moments of silence I felt her arms drop from my shoulders, laving the space cold. "I-I . . ." She began. 

"I-I don't know- I don't know who to love, I don't even know what love is. I feel . . . Lost." She finished. I looked up at her with wide eyes, letting my cat ears fall back against my head. "I'm s-sorry, I-I just-" She cut me off. "N-no, it's okay! You deserve to know anyways." 

She leaned back on the bench. After moments of silence, and feeling the cold air on our faces, she held her hand in mine. We will be forever so. 

So sorry this chapter was short! Next chapter will come out next week.

Stay safe and warm!

See ya my Cinnamon Rolls!~


Forever And Always: A MariChat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now