Chapter one

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Joey's POV
I quickly got up and checked my clock.
"Shit." I mumbled, I was late for work.
I ran downstairs and quickly got ready I hopped into my car and I buttoned up my shirt.
I drove to the restaurant I worked at and ran inside.
I checked in and grabbed a note pad and a pen right away.
Then my friend Meghan said "Nope your doing the bar today."
I rolled my eyes and handed her the notepad and pen.
She smiled as I got behind the counter.
Then this man came and sat down. He looked very rich, and just fancy.
I said "What can I get you?"
He said "Can I get some whiskey?"
I smiled "Yeah, coming right up."
He said "So how long have you been doing this?"
I said "Oh, for about a year or so."
He said "Oh ok."
I put down the glass of whiskey and said "Oh sir, your ID."
He handed me ID and he was twenty five.
I handed him back his ID and then gave him the glass of whiskey.
I said "So what do you do?"
He said "Oh, I'm a lawyer."
I said "That's so cool!"
He laughed and said "Thank you, but may I ask, how old are you?"
I said "I'm only twenty, but I'm almost twenty one."
He smiled and said "Your cute."
I stopped cleaning the counter as I said "What?"
He said "Your cute."
I said "Thanks."
He smiled and said "How about you come to one of my cases."
I said "O-ok!"
He said "And what's your name?"
I said "My names Joseph, well, Joey for short."
He said "That's cute, your just a cute person."
I smiled and said "Thank you mister-What's your name?"
He said "Daniel Preda, Mister Preda."
I said "Thank you Mister Preda."
He smiled and said "Can I get another glass?"
As I was getting ready to poor him another glass Meghan can around the counter as said "Take the rest of the night off."
I said "But I just started."
She said "Joey, you have never taken a day off, I'll cover your shift."
I said "Ok."
I took off my apron and hung it up.
I said "Bye Mister Preda."
He said "Wait up."
He followed me outside and said "So, Joey, do you need a ride home?"
I said "N-no I have a car."
He said "Ok, I might come down here tomorrow."
I said "I don't know, maybe."
He said "Try and get some sleep."
I said "I will."
I work a night shift so I go to school during the day and stay awake at night, I've been trying to change that, but it's harder than it seems.
Daniel said "Can I walk you to you car?"
I said "Sure."
He walked me to my car and I couldn't help but think that he was kind of hot, I don't think he's gay, but he did call me cute.
He said "Can I get your number Joey?"
I said "Yeah, sure."
I got into my car an grabbed a napkin and pen and wrote down my number.
I handed him the napkin and he said "Would you like to come over sometime?"
I said "Y-yeah sure."
I got into my car and tried slammed the door and I saw him walk away I tried to start my car but it would not start.
I saw him turn around I got out of my car and said "Can I get a ride home?"
He laughed and said "Yes."
He walked me over to his car and opened the door I got in and he had a really nice car.
He got in and said "So where do I go?"
He turned and looked at me I looked at him and said "Oh, um I just live in that new apartment complex a couple blocks down."
He said "Oh ok."
He drove me home and when we got to my place I said "Thank you."
He said "No problem."
As I was getting out of the car I said "Bye Dani-"
He pulled me by my tie into the car and kissed me.
He pulled away and said "Bye Joey."
I smiled and closed his car door.
He drove away

So I deleted he other kissing Tears cuz I didn't like it but I like this version better soooo


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