chapter 2

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All Hail the Queen of Fate

Percy POV

I woke up feeling groggy the next morning, and then I remembered the events of my dreams and gasped, I had to make sure it was real. So, I uncapped riptide and cut my palm and out pooled golden ichor. Then I began to wonder, would the Olympians detect a new god with the power that now rolled off me, so I focused on dimming the aura that surrounded me. I got up and went to get ready for the day and went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror, then I gasped in shock at the change in my appearance. I was now 6ft 6, my hair was even more black and messy, my muscles where more defined and my face looked as if it was chiseled in marble but my once sea green eyes now glowed with untold power and if you looked closely you could see stars and nebula's being formed and destroyed. Then I was brought out of thinking when I heard a knock on the door and someone asking to come in. "Come in!" I yelled back and turned around the see Annabeth.

"I guess your finally awake seaweed-brain, I was beginning to worry. There is a meeting at the big house, the gods have detected another unknown godly presence and thinking of ways to find it." Said Annabeth. My brain was running at a million miles a minute about I should reveal myself to her and what else to do when Clotho spoke in my head "You can reveal yourself to her my master, she is destined to be your queen in the rule over fate with you. You can turn her into a goddess now if you wish. All you have to do is say 'By the power of the fates I bestow upon Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena Godhood'." Annabeth, I swear on the River Styx what I will say is true, but I need you not to reveal it to anyone yet. "Percy what are you talking about, but I swear not to reveal anything unless you reveal it or give me permission to." came the reply of a suspicious Annabeth. "I am the new god that the Olympians are looking for." I replied hesitantly.

Annabeth POV

As soon as the words left his mouth, my mind starting the flooding my mouth with so many questions "What are your domains? Is this why you look different? How long have you been a god and does this mean you have to leave me?" At that I started crying thinking about not ever seeing Percy again. He walked up to me and pulled me into a hug with me crying on his shoulder. Speaking in a soft voice he said "I am never leaving Annabeth, I promised that remember." I look up into his sea green eyes that I loved that now looked even more beautiful with the green waves and are those galaxies in his eyes I see?! I slowly replied "But won't you have to leave? The ancient laws demand it." He chuckled softly and I glared at him which he replied "I am above the ancient laws." Once again more questions flowed through my mind and stopping me before he speaking he said "I am the god of God of Fate, Time, Elements, Warfare, Natural Disasters, Space, Waves, Heroes, and Loyalty. Annabeth the fates answer to me, they created the ancient laws. I was only turned into a god last night. Annabeth, I now have a very important question to ask you."

Percy POV

Here was the big moment, the one I have been waiting for ever since the war ended and have been dreaming of for a long time. I summoned a small velvet box and knelt down on one knee and nervously said "Annabeth, I promised you that I will never leave you and I stand by that promise. Will you Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena marry me and join me in godhood?" While looking in to her eyes and opening the box that contained a ring with an emerald mixed with a moon stone (God of Space you know), the color of our eyes with an engraving "Seaweed-brain and Wisegirl forever".


Zeus POV

I was busy bickering with Poseidon and Hades during a council meeting about who mother Rhea loved best, when I felt a giant surge in power down in the mortal world. This huge surge of power was being radiated by an unknown god down on the surface of the planet, with this knowledge I bellowed "SILENCE!" and slammed my master bolt of the floor near my thrown. Immediately all other conversation stopped. "I felt a new godly aura down on the mortal realm. This is an aura I do not recognize being radiated by an unknown god. We must find this god! WE MUST MAKE THEM SWEAR LOYATLY TO OLYMPUS!" Athena then spoke up "Yes, this god or goddess could be a problem, who knows if it is a new enemy or someone we can trust. I suggest we have Apollo and Artemis search the skies for the god; likewise, we should also inform the campers of the new god." This was quickly followed by a few mutterings and the Leto twins bobbing their heads in agreement. "Very well then, if that is all Dionysius go and inform Chiron. I believe that concludes our meeting." I said then I flashed out with Hera where a huge lightning bolt came crashing down from once we sat.

I was beginning to feel we might have another war on our hands! What if this god wanted to topple my thrown? What if he/she sought to bring Olympus down or remove me from King of the Gods? What if it's another Titan or some even more ancient being we forgot that is seeking revenge for the last two wars?! All these thoughts were beginning to weigh on my head before I fell asleep in my palace. Later, tomorrow morning I would come to feel an aura of another new god but it was as quickly diminished as I felt it and brushed it off as a sense of my paranoia.

Percy POV

And there I was waiting for Annabeth's response. When she started crying, I felt worried. Did I do something wrong? Suddenly she shouted "YES!" and jumped at me brought me into a kiss. I felt relief surge through me and slipped the ring onto her finger. After slipping the wring onto her finger, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer deepening our kiss. Finally, after what seemed like hours we broke apart gasping for air. Then I smiled at her and said "Are you ready to become a god? You might pass out for a few minutes." Sharing my smile, she replied "Yes I'm ready." I called the Fates down and they smiled and nodded for me to continue. I began chanting in Ancient Greek "By the power bestowed upon me by the Fates, I Perseus Jackson Son of Poseidon bestow upon Annabeth Chase the mantel of Godhood. Let ichor flow through your veins and the almighty Fates chose your domains!"

A bright light enveloped Annabeth and after the light subsided the Fates declared her domains "All hail Annabeth Chase, Goddess of Fate, Time, Architecture, Intelligence, Plans, Hero's and Combat!" before they flashed away. I gasped after her form changed and my mouth hanged open when I saw her, she now stood at a height of 6ft 4 and if she wasn't beautiful before… but now looked drop dead gorgeous! Her skin became a bit tanner, her hair got longer and looked silkier, her face now had royal cheekbones and her body was that of a perfect athlete while looking as if chiseled from stone and her formerly grey eyes now showed storms of grey that glowed with power. To sum it all up…. She looked hot!

"Hey seaweed-brain stop gaping like fish, you might catch flies and what are you staring at?" she asked smirking. Took me a minute for me to process what she said before I quickly snapped my fingers and a mirror appeared before her. And this time I was the one to laugh at her expression. After a second she final said "How long have we been in here?" I laughed before I replied "You're the goddess of time… you should know!" She proceeded to look thoughtful at me for a minute before she gasped and said "Percy! How long have you stopped time for!?"

"Roughly for two hours since the minute you got here…" I said slyly. Finally, she said "Well we got to go back to the big house… But won't they realize that we are gods?" I smirked and said "Focus on dampening your aura to that of a demi-god, and I'll deal with our physical changes." Using a thick layer of mist, I made our appearance change to when we were demigods. After all that was done I flashed myself some proper camp clothing instead of my PJs, letting time flow again and mischievously said "Let's see what Dionysus has to say about us." As we walked toward the big house hand in hand.

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