chapter 3

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 Spreading the Word

3rd POV

"Ah there you Peter, took Annabel long enough to get you out of bed. Well let's begin, shall we?" Said Mr. D yawning as we walked into the big house with the room with the ping pong table.

"As your probably all aware, A new or possibly very old immortal has been recently being discovered that is not in any way or form in contact with Olympus and we have been tasked along with the Hunters and a few other Olympians and gods/goddesses to find him/her" Said Chiron. After the news sunk into everyone and Annabeth and Percy shared a knowing smile with each other, Annabeth spoke up "So what have the Olympians planned for the campers to help in the search of finding this god or goddess? It's easy for hunters to go search the land but for us campers it's a bit harder." Mr. D lazily replied "I don't know. I'm just the messenger." Taking a sip from his diet Coke after speaking. Thunder rumbled through out the sky symbolizing a council meeting, this caused Mr. D to groan then standing up before flashing away. After he left Nico and the rest of the councilors then decided that he(Nico) would shadow travel around the country in search of this god and the campers would just remain alert in case he/she decided to show themselves.

Soon after the demigods filed out of the big house and returned to their daily activities. Meanwhile Percy and Annabeth decided to take a walk along the beach where no was currently at. "Percy what should we plan on doing? When should we inform the council of us being gods and that we have power over fate of all domains! Plus, exactly do we do in our domain over fate?" said a worried and curious Annabeth about their dilemma. "Well to answer your last question our powers with fate is more of influencing, enforcing and guiding it as the Fates do themselves. The ancient laws do not bind us as they do other gods since the Fates made those rules and they now answer to us, but we should not let others know that since they may try to use us, but rather we should tell them we have more leeway with it. Currently we mostly approve or disapprove of what the Fates decide but can intervene and pull strings from time to time." Said Percy casually as if it were nothing at all.

"When did you get so smart seaweed-brain?" Annabeth said teasingly. Percy once again replied with a smirk on his face "Well I'm the god of warfare, that is like one of the hugest domains ever! Like it means I'm also a god of swordsmanship, archery, weapons, battle strategy, negotiations, duels, peace, war, reflexes and a bunch of other stuff that could be related to warfare." Annabeth was trying to stifle a laugh at the mention of archery but failed. This was quickly remedied by a quick glare from Percy making her shut mouth but still have a smile on her face.

Breaking the silence as they continued to walk along the beach Percy said "I have an idea on how we should reveal ourselves to the Olympians." Getting a quick nod from Annabeth to continue, he then smiled evilly rubbing his hands together before continuing "Well I suggest we wait half a year or so to get used to our news powers and responsibilities, in the mean time I sense that the Olympians are in their meeting still. So, what I suggest is we send one of the fates to inform them about the new god and that there is also a new goddess as well and tell them they will reveal themselves at the Winter Solstice. I soooo want to see the look on Zeus's face." Annabeth then took time to consider this before nodding and smiling evilly.

Percy POV:

Well…. It's now time to put my cunning plan into action. I then called down Atropos and she bowed to us saying "Master and Mistress, how may I help you?" Immediately I replied "I wish you to go to Mt. Olympus and deliver a message." "Of course, what shall this message be?" came the reply. Simply smiling I conveyed "We can see and hear through you, for you should know what to speak as we transmit it to you." "I shall leave immediately then" came the reply before she flashed off to Olympus. This is going to be fun I telepathically said to Annabeth who smirked and nodded before we proceeded to tap into Atropos's mind.

(On Mount Olympus During the Meeting)

3rd POV:

As this was one of the more civilized meetings now that Hades and Hestia where back on the council, the gods efficiently discussed progress and ways of finding more about the unknown god. To a shocker to all Zeus even confessed he might have felt a second god's presence but that it could be a figment of his paranoia. But that wasn't going to be the biggest surprise the council was going to face that day. In fact, you could say that they were going to face 2 more revelations that day.

While the gods where interrupted by a flash of light as Atropos flashed in. This is immediately caused Zeus to thunder 'WHO DARES INTER… oh wait sorry Lady Atropos…. What causes you to come to Mt. Olympus today? And especially without your sisters?! Heck, I bet no one has seen you without your sisters!" said Zeus in shock. Even the rest of the council was in shock at this brand-new occurrence.

"Ah hello Lord Zeus, I come here from the bidding of my master and mistress to inform you of the god or should I say god and goddess that you have recently discovered." Said a smirking Atropos. Not only that the Fates have someone controlling them and that there were two gods to look for now confirming Zeus's suspicions. At this nearly half of the gods including the big three dropped their symbols of power in shock. Zeus's bolt slamming into floor which accidently caused lightning to strike a barn somewhere in Idaho, with Poseidon's trident causing the New Jersey boardwalk to flood and Hades helm causing some towns to black out.

Still smirking Atropos continued "You see Lord Zeus, the two gods your looking for are my master and mistress." "But how is it that these new gods have control over you while the Titans and us Olympians did not?!" asked a bewildered Athena. The reply was "Long ago my mother Ananke said there will come a time where one will come take control over us and that time has come with his queen. Now I must inform you that my masters plan on showing up during the Winter Solstice to speak with you, for they wish to adapt to their new domains. You won't be able to find them unless they want to be found, so I suggest you stop searching." "Well I guess that is all right. Who am I to argue with Fate? But may I ask can we still have them swear loyalty to Olympus" said a very curious and fearful Zeus in case of causing Atropos's wrath. Taking a darker tone Atropos replied "They are already loyal to Olympus Zeus; however, you can make them an Olympian if you wanted or even make them swear their loyalty but you must know they do not truly take orders from you, they control their own fate. In their other domains, they can fight and be loyal to you but as Gods' of Fate they cannot be persuaded or forced because Fate is neutral, only they themselves on their own can change fate."

"Very well then Lady Atropos, go and inform your masters' that we shall wait for the Winter Solstice for them to reveal themselves." Said an Athena with a hint of hopefulness.

At this Atropos laughed out loud shocking the gods again and before casually saying "Nice try Athena, but there's no need to inform them since they have heard and seen all that has happened here. Plus, my master said that you would only track my flash back to him and his queen." Sighing she said "Well that is all Olympians, I have thread to cut" before flashing away. Leaving a fuming Athena at her beaten plan of trying to find the location of the two hidden gods.

(Back at Camp Half-blood on the Beach where Percy and Annabeth where)

As soon as Percy and Annabeth left Atropos's mind they broke out into an uncontrolled fit of laughing. Falling over and clutching their chests and the expression on the gods and especially Athena's face. Taking a few mins to recover Annabeth finally found the will power to ask "So what do we do now? It's probably around lunch time."

"Well I think we should probably tell my mom…."

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