chapter 6

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We suprise a Goddess of the Hunt

Annabeth Pov:

Well today was the Winter Solstice and capture the flag day with the hunters. The mythological world will be in a for shock today and especially the moon goddess. So this is the plan I came up for maximizing the shock Artemis will be receiving today. I figured out her plan since I'm the goddess of plans and it's in my domain. She plans to secretly join the fight between us and the hunters; from there she will corner Percy and I to get us and subdue us to question us.

Lucky for us, we have back up. She is suspicious of us knowing of the gods that are hiding, but she is not expecting us to be those gods. There will be quite a surprise when she finds it hard for her to subdue us with our foresight and other godly abilities. While she is busy getting over her shock of us not going down, Zoe and Phoebe plan on flashing in front us and giving her a bigger shock and perhaps scare her. If she does recover from that we will just restrain her before she tries to fight again and perhaps explain things to her right, then and there I'm not sure.

Still thinking about different plans about subduing the goddess I didn't realize that the horn for lunch had sounded. This lead my fiancé to come over ask what was wrong. I simply replied "Not much Percy, I'm just thinking of different ways to do you know what." giving him a knowing smile. He returned the smile and replied "Well if all goes well today we won't have to worry about Zeus and others."

"I don't think Zeus has the ability to defy fate last time I checked so I agree with you there" I replied chuckling as we headed to the pavilion to go get lunch.


Percy Pov:

So, it was time for capture flag now! Which also means we get to surprise a certain moon goddess! I was giddy as we rushed to place our flag near Zeus's fist while the hunters took position on the other side of the stream. I'm guessing you want to know what our plan for the actual battle was going to be. Using our powers, we determined that Artemis herself was going to searching the right flank for us accompanied with Thals. On the other side, we have the Demeter, Hecate, Athena and Hermes cabin to take their bait while the rest of cabins will charge for their flag down the center in a phalanx formation. After explaining that to the campers we proceeded to the flank we designated for us.

When the conch horn sounded for the game to begin Annabeth and I casually walked over the river towards the Hunters side. As we casually strolled through the forest hand in hand; we heard a small snap of a twig, due to our godly hearing. Annabeth and I smiled at each other before I decided to say teasingly "And I thought hunters where supposed to be quiet Lady Artemis?" This brought an immediate sound of mumbling before Artemis appeared from the bushes and asked "How did you know I was there Perseus?" as she was staring at me with a slight glare and genuine curious tone. Of course, me with my godly reputation for pissing of gods said "It's Simple Artemis, I heard you snap a twig" with a side of my trademark lopsided grin.

She cursed under her breath before turning to look at us again and proclaimed "Perseus, Annabeth, I'll be blunt. I believe you two know something and you are hiding it from us." This time Annabeth spoke up and cheerfully responded "Your absolutely right Artemis" with a grin. At this proclamation, she seemed shock before she called for Thalia to join her, who was a few meters back. With Thalia at her side she spoke once more "Well if that is the case. Then I must bring both of you in for questioning."

This time we gave wicked smiles before Annabeth said "We would like to see you try mi-lady. You are outnumbered after all." She immediately replied "Thalia is right here you know." Again we smirked before dropping the bomb shell or should I say both of them….. Thalia gave us a small smile back before saying to Artemis "Sorry mi-lady, but I'm with them. I wish not to fit on either side since both have my loyalty thus I shall remain neutral. Sorry milady." There Thalia walked away about 5 feet and smiled in anticipation of the fight to come. Artemis looked lost for words before anger could be clearly seen on her face. She was close to screaming at Thalia before I interrupted and said "Your quarrel is with us Artemis not her" in the calmest manner I could do. She then turned to me and snapped "You may have gotten Thalia out of the fight, but your still no match for an Olympian goddess! If you tell me all you know now, I just might let you go freely." Annabeth and I nodded to each other, we both knew what to do. We both got out our weapons. My trusty pen riptide and her dagger. Artemis just growled "I guess it's the hard way boy." And charged at us.

A/N First battle scene ever! Please tell me what you think about it later!

Immediately I uncapped riptide and brought it up to block her twin hunting knifes. Annabeth here to the chance to go for a lunge and plugged down to graze Artemis arm. Artemis quickly leapt away, then to twirl around and block one of my blows. I then proceeded to press her hard. Quickly parrying any blows coming my way using my battle foresight to my advantage. Getting into the rhythm of parry, dodge, swing, lunge, parry, swipe, and lunge once more. The daughter of Leto was getting fed up with me seeming to predict her moves. In a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand she over extended letting me time to block it and twist her arm aside and kick her in the chest sending her flying back a bit.

Now she was fuming and she wasn't about to up just yet. She growled out "How are you two, mortal demigods able to dodge and block my blows." Annabeth just smirked and replied "That is where you are wrong Artemis, we are the gods your looking for." With that Annabeth, Thals, and I changed into what our true new appearances looked like. At that Artemis just dropped her weapons and stared at us in shock. Now that wasn't something I foresaw. She turned to Thalia to only find her in her godly appearance as well. She squeaked out "You too Thalia? First Zoe, then Phoebe, now you?" Thalia looked at Artemis with a sad smile and responded "I am still loyal to you mi-lady, but now as a goddess I can always be by your side. Plus, you're going to like what Percy did." Artemis looked at me with a confused look. I simply smiled and snapped my fingers.

Immediately followed we three flashes of light and once it died down there were three other figures clad in white/silver armor with gold designs spread all over it. The armor of the warriors of fate. At this Artemis raised her bow and took aim, and asked "Who are you three?" slightly fearful. The middle one stepped forward and responded in a feminine voice "We are three of the warriors of Fate. Our job is to serve the King and Queen of fate and enforce fate. And mi-lady, I can't believe you don't recognize us." the voice said finishing in a teasing/mocked hurt tone. After finishing the sentence the three removed their helmets to reveal: Zoe, Phoebe and Bianca. Once the three where revealed Artemis ran up and hugged all three of them protectively fearful of losing them again, while crying into their shoulders.

"Mi-lady your crushing me" came the muffled reply of one Zoe Nightshade. After Artemis calmed down enough after witnessing the fact that three of her hunters where she asked "What happened to your English Zoe? You're suddenly speaking correctly." Zoe just smirked and said "It comes with being a goddess." At this Artemis turned to me and narrowed her eyes. "Perseus, when where you planning on telling us that you became a god? Hmph?" I told her tonight and she face palmed realizing that tonight was the Solstice. I told her if she wanted to hear the whole story, then she would have to keep it to herself till the meeting. She agreed and I gave her permission to entire our domain (The realm the fates weave their thread in). Here I explained everything about how we became gods and she also meet all the dead people that were brought back. At first, she just glared at Luke but eventually she lessened it bit after the most of the story was done.


"Perseus and Annabeth, you know that with those domains Zeus will want you to swear loyalty to Olympus, right?" said Artemis. Annabeth replied "And is Zeus willing to defy the fates and fate itself?" Artemis thought it over and nodded. She congratulated us about getting married before flashing out and saying she can't wait for the meeting.

Afterward Annabeth turned to me and sighed "Well that went better that expected." I gave her a grin before saying "Now we have to do is announce it to the rest of them. Including our parents."

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