chapter 4

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 Uh oh...

Percy POV:

I'm scared. Now you must be wondering what the O'mighty Percy Jackson who has faced impossible odds and is now a god fears? Well it's simple, my mother's reaction to me being a god and marrying Annabeth will be. There I said it! Though I am the God of Fate and probably could see the reaction that my mother would have. I am even scared at looking at that.

I was preparing to flash away with Annabeth before she stopped me. "Seaweed-brain, remember that flashing would give us away!" Then realization struck me hmmm I need an alternate method of travel I thought…. Hmm…. Ah! "Ok, if we can't flash there then let's just elemental travel there!" I said casually. Annabeth gave me a quizzical look before saying "What?" "Well I'm the god of elements, so therefore basically we can use the matter to travel there, since elements is one of my domains, I can travel in many ways such as Vapor Travel, Flame Travel, Earth Travel, Shadow Travel and so on. Heck I could probably make a tunnel through the Time Space Continuum if I wanted!" I cheered happily thinking about what else I could do. "Hey Seaweed-brain, I don't think it's a good thing to be opening up portals in the Time Space Continuum. Come on let's go!" pouted Annabeth. I grabbed her hand we vapor traveled to my mom's apartment.

Appearing in front of my mother's apartment we went inside and knocked on her door. She opened the door and shouted "Percy! Annabeth! How are you doing? Come in, I have a batch blue cookies ready! Paul come over here!" We smiled kinda awkwardly as we sat down, which she noticed immediately noticed and frowned before asking "Is there something Percy?" staring into my eyes trying to find out what was the problem. Annabeth grabbed my hand and squeezed reassuringly. "Mom… Paul… Annabeth and I are getting married." Letting the bomb drop.


Chiron POV:

Where have those two-lovebird's gone this time? I was searching all over the camp for Percy and Annabeth; they didn't show up for lunch. Oh, well they are probably at the beach or something. I should probably check there.

Trotting up to the I saw duo laughing their heads off and smiled at that, and I thought back to when Annabeth and Percy made it camp. So, young and now they just happen to be the most famous demigods ever. I was broken out of my memories when they started to talk again. I was listening to their conversation of and I was shocked at what they we talking about! God of Elements?! Time Space Continuum?! It only confirmed it more when Annabeth said that they would be given away if they tried flashing. For a minute, I thought I saw a Percy and Annabeth in a different appearance, one where they looked taller and defiantly looked like gods. But as soon as I saw it, it disappeared just as fast as I saw it. I was still in shock standing there when Percy grabbed Annabeth's hand and they dissolved in a fine mist. Now that was defiantly not flashing but I don't remember Percy saying he could vapor travel.

Is it possible that Percy and Annabeth are the gods where looking for? If so who have given them godhood or if they secretly two older deities that have been with us for the last two wars serving some higher purpose and only now their façade has slipped or or or what if they have been kidnapped and replaced by these two gods!? I quickly dismissed the last one since the gods looked so much like them. Well it looks like I got some questioning do to when they get back I thought while trotting back toward the dining area.

Percy POV:

I nearly wanted to laugh at the shock on their faces if I wasn't worried about what they would do after they have recovered from their shock. Slowly they began to recover from their shock and my mom ran up to us and hugged us crying saying "My baby boy is getting married!" I blushed heavily at that and Annabeth and Paul where laughing at my embarrassment.

After I calmed my down my mom and showing them the ring I nudged Annabeth to tell them the other part. "Mrs. Jackson and Paul, there is something else you must know. But I need you to swear on the Styx not to reveal it until we decide to reveal it ok?" They both swore on the Styx and then Annabeth continued "Percy and I are gods now." Making the mist disappear around us revealing our true selves. At this I'm sure they fainted at that. I turned over to Annabeth and smiled before I snapped my fingers waking them up. Once again seeing them in our true appearance caused them gasp again. When they finally recovered, my mom yelled at me to explain.

So, that's what I did. I explained to her how I became the God of Fate and my other domains and talked about proposing and turning Annabeth into a god and the little message I sent to Zeus which they cracked up at. Finally, I finished the tale and my mom and step-dad was talking about how proud they were for us. Then I told them they had 3 options, they could stay as mortals and die normally and go to the Isles of the Blest as we have foreseen it, they could become an immortal like Chiron and help train demi-gods and become something like a mother and father to them or they can become gods. They both thought it over and said they would like to be become immortal trainers like Chiron. Annabeth and I both blessed them and made them immortal.

(A/N) Chiron's immortality is never mentioned as partial or full so….

I told them they could start their job after the winter solstice when we reveal ourselves. We also told them what are blessing would entail and what powers they would receive. After we wished them goodbye Annabeth and I grabbed a bite to eat somewhere downtown before vapor traveling right outside the boundaries of camp. We were immediately met by Clarisse and said "So Prissy where have you and Annabeth been all day?! Chiron has been looking for you!" "Uh oh" Annabeth and I said at once. Here Clarisse smirked evilly and dragged us to the big house.

"Ah so there you two are! Looks Clarisse finally found you two. Clarisse, will you please leave us, I have something to discuss with these two." Said Chiron. At this Clarisse pouted but gave up when a hard glare made her go away. "So…. Are we in trouble for something? We only wanted to visit my mother…." I timidly said. Chiron smirked then said something that both made Annabeth and I shudder.

Annabeth POV:

Chiron was smirking and then he said something that scared both of us. "So I was searching for you two when you I found you on the beach. There I heard a very peculiar conversation." I was starting the fear what he might have heard us say on the beach. "Something about different methods of travel and the Time Space Continuum" making air quotes while saying time space continuum and his grin was growing wider as he saw us shying away from his prying eyes.

Percy was the first one the speak after the silence that followed he said "We will tell you if you swear on the Styx not to tell anyone until we reveal it." Following this the centaur smiled and agreed. At this I checked to make sure no one was peeking in on our conversation with my godly senses. Percy asked me to tell the story this time so I did.

The say Chiron was shocked when he heard our domains and how we got them was an understatement. He also feinted from it, which caused us to laugh and splash him with some water which he woke up to. Recovering he hugged us both and congratulated us. Though was going to bow and say mi 'lord/lady but Percy and I stopped him saying we didn't want any of that. Which he smiled and hugged us again. Finally, Percy dropped the other bombshell and laughed at Chiron's reaction this time as Percy said he proposed to me. After that recovery and congratulations Percy and I explained how he was going to has some company in the realm of training demi-gods by Percy's mother and step-dad. To say that Chiron was delighted would have also been an understatement.

After all the pleasantries where over Chiron asked a question that I was also curious about. "So Percy as the God of Warfare how is your archery?" said a cheeky Chiron at this Percy paled considerably. "Come on Perce lets go to the archery range and see."


Percy POV:

Oh, hades what I have I agreed to. We past the sign that said "NO PERCY JACKSON ALLOWED ON RANGE." And continued to the firing range and all the Apollo kids starting question why I was here and Chiron said he wanted to try something and told all the Apollo kids to run behind the Percy Proof barrier and they all understood and scampered off.

I proceeded to grab the bow from Chiron's hands and struck the pose that all the Apollo children and Chiron engrained into my brain. When Chiron and Annabeth where behind the barrier as well they gave me the go ahead to fire. I drew my arrow and carefully aimed at the target. Holding my breath, I released the arrow.

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