chapter 8

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Return of the traitor

Luke POV:

Well yippee! Nearly everyone is shouting my name! My father jumped out his throne and shrunk down to hug me. I hugged him back full heartedly. This was soon followed by a tremendous noise that was emanating from Zeus's throne. It appears that Zeus was fuming so bad and coursing with so much raw anger that his throne was literally about tip over from his attempts to break free of the restraints. Changing my gaze to Percy and Annabeth I saw them doubling over with fits of laughter at Zeus's reaction. I then decided to break the ice.

"So how have you all been?" I questioned from behind my dad. At this Zeus popped the gag out of his mouth and snapped "GET THIS TRAITOR OUT OF MY OLYMPUS!" All the goods forgot about at me and stared at Zeus in shock. Zeus than withered under the gazes of all the other gods including the Warriors of Fate. The silence and tension that followed was so thick it could probably be cut with a hot butter knife. Zeus than mumbled "Our Olympus…." Looking down. Most the gods "Hmphed" in confirmation and Hera slapped Zeus on the back of the head.

Zeus then starred at me murderously before trying to point at me but his restraints held him back but he yelled none the less "So how can this traitor be trusted?" This statement appeared to rile up Percy and he yelled back.

Percy POV:

How dare he think Luke is un-trustable! I was shaking with anger, how dare he even mention that! I yelled back "IF NOT FOR LUKE, KRONOS WOULD BE IN CHARGE RIGHT NOW! DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THAT?" That shut Zeus up. I smirked knowing that I won. Zeus in response just fumed in anger. Continuing up and proceeding as if nothing happened I stated "Camp Half-blood will be receiving two new immortal directors that will take over Mr. D's position and help Chiron." Mr. D sent me a grateful look while Zeus was now even more angry. The others especially Athena and my dad looked curious. Zeus not knowing when to shut up thundered "WHO ARE YOU TO MAKE PEOPLE IMMOR- mmm mhm mmhmhm." I just got bored and summoned a new gag.

Ignoring the interruption, I continued "The new immortal camp directors are Paul Blofis and Sally Jackson." Earning a gasp from the gods. My dad looked over joy to her that my mother was immortal. Zeus was still pissed but hey what is he going to do chained to his throne? Actually scratch that, he did something that I didn't even foresee. In his hissy fits of rage, he managed to tip his throne backward and knock it over. Coming down with huge thud as marble slammed into marble. Luckily the throne didn't break and Zeus was still tied to it. Nearly everyone was on the ground laughing at this point from the sky god's misfortune.

"Well folks, I believe that is all for today, there's really not much else to reveal so…. ya… any questions?" At this Aphrodite perked up and squealed "CAN I PLAN YOUR WEDDING!?" Before Annabeth and I could respond came the voices of two other women. One saying "I'm goddess of marriage that's my job!" and the other saying "Get your hands of my daughter's wedding!" Great now we have people arguing over our wedding plans. Do I even want to get into this argument? I don't really don't know… I shot Annabeth a look that screamed "Help me!" Annabeth decided to play diplomat and answered their question "You all can plan our wedding." They all huffed and Athena pulled out a sketching pad to begin drawing who Hades knows what.

"Any other remaining questions? No? Good." I said not waiting for a reply or Athena's curious gaze. I turned to my warriors and instructed "You guys have the rest of the day off. Go spend time with whoever you like or whatever you want to do." They cheered and began to go off to the god/goddess they wished to spend time with. Luke went off with Hermes to probably go scare the Stolls. Nico and Hades dragged Bianca to them to stop her from disappearing again. Zoe, Phoebe, and Thalia went off to the hunt to go be reintroduced to the hunters. Lee, Charles, and Selina went off to go spend time with their parents. Jason and Piper went of back to the Greek camp to hang out. Leo went off to go search for Calypso. I grabbed Annabeth's hand and we walked out of the throne room and headed for the streets of Olympus.

But before we could enter the main area of Olympus, our parents flashed in front of us. They congratulated us on our marriage and new found godhood. Athena wanted answers to all questions she had during the meeting. Somewhere quite hilarious and others opened new possibilities of our powers that I haven't thought of without her probing. We wished them good bye and flashed to my mother's apartment to tell them the good news.

She was quite happy to see a broadcast of the events that happened in the throne room on Hephaestus TV. I told her that she and Paul where able to move into camp whenever they were ready. My mother nodded and told us that they will start packing tomorrow and should be there in a weeks' time. Following this brief discussion with my mom we hugged goodbye before Annabeth and I flashed back to camp to tell Chiron the good news. He seemed quite delighted to hear the chain of events that happened in the throne room as well. The centaur was also however pleased to hear that some of our old friends are now alive again. We walked with Chiron out of the big house towards the cabins talking about the new camp directors and how that will work when Luke jumped out from behind a tree and yelled "Boo!" shocking Chiron. Who turned pale at the sight of Luke in such a long time. Following this came the soft sound of chuckling from Hermes somewhere nearby. After the old centaur recovered we let them off to go chat about whatever and catch up on some things.

Meanwhile we chatted with Lady Hestia for a while near her hearth about today's events. She seemed quite pleased that her younger brother was taken down a few pegs. Then the conch horn sounded and it was time for all to go to bed. So, we bowed to Lady Hestia good night and I kissed Annabeth good night. However, the kiss became a bit more passionate then a normal good night kiss. Taking this to somewhere private Annabeth and I fled to the safety of cabin 3. Smiling as Annabeth pushed me back against the bed still kissing me, I only had one thought…. today couldn't have gone any better.

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