chapter 5

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The Warriors of Fate

Percy POV:

Then I heard thud and turned to see an arrow sticking out of the bulls-eye! I started jumping and cheering! Then Chiron came over smiling with mirth in his eyes and said "So let makes sure that's not fluke." Putting 6 arrows in my quiver. The Apollo campers where looking at me and Chiron in shock since I just hit the bulls-eye, and is now being handed more arrows; Annabeth on the other hand just grinned and smiled at me.

I grabbed the bow once more went back to my posture and starting firing the last six arrows into the target quickly all splitting the previous arrow except the last one which veered slightly to the right sheering off the feather of the previous arrow. Now this caused everyone to gasp and Will Solace feinted from the shock he was in and fell to be caught by his siblings.

I turned around and smiled before saying to Chiron "Well now that problem is solved, we can get rid of that sign over there." Pointing towards the "NO PERCY JACKSON ALLOWED ON RANGE" sign. Chiron then picked up the sign and tossed it into the campfire pit. Well maybe I could get used to this archery I thought. But as soon as my little moment of triumph started it was over. Behind me I heard a voice say "Yes quite impressive Perseus, so when did you suddenly get so good at archery?" I recognized that voice, slowly turning around fearfully recognizing the 12-year-old goddess before me. I stammered "Hello L-lady Artemis" bowing my head "What brings you to camp half-blood milady?" I asked timidly. She replied while staring at me with a curious gaze "Well, my hunters needed a break from searching all over the country for the two gods and now that there is no need search anymore I brought them here to rest before we continued the hunt. But you haven't answered my question… when and how did you get so good at archery?"

I quickly gazed over to Chiron and Annabeth who were looking at me fearfully. I looked back at Artemis and quickly lied "You see, Annabeth, Chiron, and I were talking about domains and how wide and varying they could be. We talked about varying domains and how the vaguer a domain was, the more powerful it was. So, we thought since my dad was the God of the Sea's and therefore water, he would be able to control water in all it states such as liquid, solid and gas as you know. Here Annabeth spoke up and said "With this knowledge we thought Percy would be able to control the moisture in the air to be able to travel similarly to shadow travel which we called decided on calling Vapor Travel. Then I suggested if we could perhaps see if Percy could use the moisture in the air to guide the arrows to the target." Following up and adding to the lie that Percy started. Chiron this time spoke up and said "And that brings us to where we are now milady."

Artemis had a thoughtful look on her face as she stared at Annabeth and I quickly switching her gaze back and forth before her eye's narrowed before blinking a few times. After a few dreadful moments, she finally spoke "Alright Perseus, no more surprise's however…" then she briskly turned and walked away muttering something about males. I sighed and quickly hugged Annabeth. I cheekily whispered "How bout we hide our powers a bit more carefully now alright?" She smiled and nodded to me.


Artemis POV:

Something isn't right here. First there is a god and goddess of fate. Now Perseus Jackson is good at archery! What on Gaea's green earth is happening!? I was still suspicious about that son of Poseidon and daughter of Athena. For a minute, I swear I saw someone else in their place, yet they looked like the originals. I was up to my cabin when I heard the voice of my lieutenant. "Milady, what is bothering you?" "Well Thalia, you might be surprised about this as I was, but I saw it happen." Thalia looked at me curiously before speaking "And what was it that you witnessed?" I replied nonchalantly "Perseus Jackson is good at archery."

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