Chapter 10

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Max Smith's p.o.v

The last thing I remember is an ugly woman with fangs and wings attacking me. After that I was out cold. I woke up tasting fresh chocolate chip cookies that my mom made. Her cookies are always the best, she IS a baker. My eyes fluttered open and I saw a pretty girl feeding me cubes that looked like fudges. 

"Ah! You're awake! How do you feel?" I pinch my arm and say .

"I feel weird, like I'm in a dream" she nodded. "Look, I gotta go, Annabeth will be here soon, k? Oh, and my name is Piper, goddess of makeup and natural beauty." 

Just then the most beautiful girl entered. Her bouncing blonde curls on her shoulders, her stunning grey eyes, rosy cheeks and light pink lips. I froze there staring at her. Piper snapped her fingers infront of my face 

"and that is Annabeth goddess of-" "goddess of architecture and art. You are...?" Annabeth finished.

 "I am Max Smith" Annabeth smiled "you look like...a friend" her smile wavered and tears sprung in her eyes. Piper rushed to Annabeth, comforting her. I just stood there, dumbfounded. I could tell she was talking about a guy. A guy who broke her heart. I will kill him. I swear. Annabeth and Piper just stared at me. I looked at them, confused. 

" said 'I will kill him. I swear' Kill who" Annabeth said. Ughh... I said what I was thinking. "Nevermind, just talking about a friend". 

"well we better take you to chiron". Annabeth gestured me to follow. I followed her to a bid office looking place.  

            In there I saw an old guy in a wheelchair and a Goth. Okay...that was rude.  Let's just say he was a guy who wears EVERTHING black!!! the old person looked up and beamed at both me and Annabeth.

 "Hello Annabeth. Another newbie. Okay sit him do-"he was interrupted by a loud honking noise. His face dropped the smile and said "We are under attack. EVERYONE CODE 199!!!!!" whatever that was a voice in my head told me to help this camp.

 me and the guy that was talking to Chiron ran towards the front of the camp. By instinct, my bracelet I wore every day, turned into a Celestial bronze sword. I stood there in shock, but gradually felt responsible.

 "Hey there. My name is Jake DiAngelo and you are the other newbie, Max Smith" Jake says. I smile "Ya, good to meet you. Now lets kick some monster butt" We both charge to the swarm of monsters.

                Just saying but me and Jake make an AMAZING team! The ducked, slashed, swiped at the monsters. Then shone a bright light that both of us were forced to look away. Then in front of us stood 10 hooded people. I stood there staring in awe. They had the strongest aura around them, the strongest. So strong it made me kneel to them. In the corner of my eye, I see Chiron with a serious face. He wheels up here and stands up from his wheelchair. It goes on and on, it looks like a huge underwear, then pops out 2 legs. I stand up and stare at Chiron the centaur. My eyes are as big as saucers.

 "Your---He's---OH MY GODS, YOU'RE A EFFING CENTAUR" I exclaim. The 10 people chuckle while Jake is roaring in laughter. I stand there completely embarrassed. One of the hooded people steps forward. He looks like a leader all buff and awesome. He is the same height as me, and I'm guessing the same age.

 "Hello Chiron, I am Theta the commander of Chaos' private army. This is my 2nd commander Oblivion and my 3rd commander Tidal. Then my rest of my army. We are all immortal, stronger than all the gods and goddesses combined. These warriors are from the dead, but I am the only one who is not dead. We have business to take care of, and it has something to do with a new war. Make a team of 12 people who will come with us to the Olympus, one should be the oracle, other shall be you Chiron. I would like these 2 warriors to come as well. That 4 peeps and the other 8 shall be your choice. We will wait in our own place so when you are done just knock, kay? Okey dokey. Bye then!!"  

He says leaving the whole camp in shock. He has a monotone yet chill voice. I like him. Well that means Jake and I are going, as well as the oracle (Whoever that is) and Chiron. I wonder who the other 8 are? "Meeting in the big house, gods and goddesses as well as the newbies. Obviously Rachel shall come too. Be there in 10 mins" Chiron announces. I look back that the army and they already are in there 'place'. It was like an awesome mansion. The leader was joking around with his 2nd in command, while going inside. Well, I have a meeting to get to. At least I have a friend now. This might not be bad after all.

a/n: Hey!! How's that?? Does that make up for the hold up?? Im sorry and I hope you like the Max guy. He's gonna be with --------..HAHA!! spoiler alert! I SHALL NOT TELL THEE!! THOU SHALL FIND OUT THEE SELF!!!!  HAHAHAHA XDD!!! Well!! Peace out!!!!!!!!! Im updating EVERY STAURDAYYYY!!!! Oh and this chapter is dedicated to @ nicholasguerrero85!!! He is a friendly guy!! Follow him and you won't regret it!!!

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