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"Just tell him you love him." Louis said like it was the most simplest thing ever. He doesn't understand what it's like to love your best friend. And I can't just walk up to him and say 'Hey man I love you'. There's way to many possibilities and most of them lead to me losing him.

"No. I- I can't, not yet." I responded which was my respond every time he told me to tell him. Louis just rolled his eyes like always. You would be surprise how many times we had this same conversation.

"Your running out of time." He stated which to I responded with,

"I have plenty of time." Which we both knew was a lie. We were in twelfth grade now and we would be graduating. He would be off to South America and I would be stuck in London taking over my fathers company.

Louis scoffed, "More like had plenty of time." I've liked him since we started middle school but at that age I just thought it was a crush. Sadly I haven't looked at anyone else the way I've looked at him for the last seven years.

"I- I just don't wanna lose him." I said sadly. Losing him as a friend is worse then keeping my feelings from him.

"Aw Harry, he wouldn't do that to you even if he didn't return the feelings. I mean it is Liam were talking about." Louis stated.

"I know Lou, but I rather him not find out. Liam doesn't have to know I love him," I said.

Louis nodded, "It's just better that way." I added.

We're Running Out Of Time ⋆ lirry *on holdWhere stories live. Discover now