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"So you and Liam have a date today, right?" Louis asked while we walked down the hallway to the exit of the school. I had explained to him what happened when he left this morning.

"For the thousandths time it's not a date Lou." I groaned in frustration, "And plus he still has a boyfriend."

Louis rolled his eyes but didn't push the conversation further. I pushed on the door but it didn't open. I started panicking trying to push it open. "Louis we're locked in oh my god!"

Louis opened the door next to me and walked out. "C'mon stupid."

I blushed and walked out the door and we continued the walk to my car. I immediately stopped when I saw Seth talking to Liam in front of my car. I smirked to myself before walking up to them. "Hi guys!"

"Hi Liam. Seth." I laughed at the way Louis said Seth's name. I love that because I hate Seth Louis does too. This is why we're friends. "Hi Li-"

"Anyway Liam why can't you come over today?" Seth interrupted me. I rolled my eyes.

"'Cause I'm hanging out with Harry he's gonna be all lonely with a little kitten." Liam said.

"But if you go with him I'm gonna be lonely!" Seth whines.

"You'll be fine." Liam assures him.

"What if something happens to you babe." Seth said. I walked up to him wrapping my arm around his waist pulling him towards me.

"I can assure you everything will be OK." Seth glares at me and Louis looks shocked I'm being so clam about touching Liam. But on the inside I'm screaming like a little girl.

"Y-yeah Seth listen to Harry. We gotta go, kittens can't feed themselves!" Liam said, he pulled away from me and gets in the car.

I turned back around so that I'm facing Seth again who's glaring at me. I smirk. "Don't ever touch him again."

I chuckled. "You'd like that wouldn't you."

"Yes actually very much." He said.

"Will it's not gonna happen."

"Don't touch him unless you want him to know your madly in love with him."

That's when I turned back into sweaty palms and fast beating heart Harry. Seth, Louis and I used to be best buds until I told Seth and Louis that I liked Liam and Seth thought it would be fun to date the love of my life. He's always been jealous that I got everything so he took what mattered most to me. Liam. That's when I shut him off in my life.

"Yeah. That's what I thought Harry, now be a good boy and stay away." Seth said then walked away. I groaned and turned towards Louis.

He was standing there with his mouth wide open. "You OK?"

"Uh yeah. Seth's a real dick." Louis said. I sighed and nodded. I glanced back at Liam who's just sitting in my car. I think he's changing the radio station or something. I walked towards the car with Louis behind me and opened the back door. I pulled out his skateboard and handed it to him.

"Move Harry." Louis said while trying to get in the car. I blocked him then closed the door.

"No ride home. I don't want to take you." I said.

"Dude we live right next to each other." Louis said.

"Just ride home today. I'll give you a ride everyday."

"Oh I see. Someone wants to be alone with Liam." He paused and picked up his phone reading the message he just got. "Uh OK. I'll walk. I gotta go see you later Haz."

"You OK?" I asked.

"Uh yeah my mom needs help with the girls." Louis said. But I know he's lying we've been friends for eighteen years. But why?

"Wait-" I tried to ask him but he's already down the road on his skate board. He's going the wrong way. I'll ask him about it later.

I sighed then rubbed my hands down my face preparing to spend the afternoon with Liam. I opened the door and jumped in. "You ready?"

"Yeah so what's your kittens name again?" He asked.

"Uh J-jimmy." I stuttered and wipe my sweaty palms on my thighs. I turned to face Liam and smiled.

"He sounds so sweet." Liam said. I nodded not trusting my voice at the moment and start the car.

"Y- yeah let's get there to see what's he's destroyed this time." I said and Liam chuckles.

"What's the worse a little kitten can do?" He asked.

"You'd be surprised." I say and start driving. I hope I can make it through the afternoon with him without stuttering to death.

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