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v. first encounters


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VERONICA SAT AT THE EDGE OF THE BED. He had stopped crying and just laid there.

"You wanna talk about it?" She asks gently while turning her attention back to him. He sits up and looks at her.

"I just... Don't get it, Ronnie! Why do I have to be like this? Why can't I hold my tongue or why can't I keep still? I'm just so fucking frustrated! I - I - I wish I was never born!" He bursts out while running his hands through his messy hair.

"Hey! Don't say that. Don't you ever fucking say that, Richard Tozier! I wouldn't be able to live without you, Rich. You're my best friend. Don't you ever think that because you're perfect the way you are, okay?" Veronica snaps while grabbing his hands. The thought of life without Richie broke her heart. She couldn't lose him too. After her parents...

"And, if it counts... Who would be my most favorite person if you weren't born?" She adds, more quietly while giving him a goofy smile, showing her teeth. He gives her a half smile.

"You're my favorite too, Brace Face." He mumbles while looking up at her blue eyes. They always seemed to calm him down when he was feeling particularly frustrated.

"You'll always be mine, Bucky Beaver." She smiles.

An hour later, they stood at the door. The door open and Richie staring down at his best friend.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then? Meet at 11:30?" She asks while going on her tippy toes, standing up to his chin.

"Yeah. Of course," He smiles while squeezing her cheek.

"M'kay!" She bounces up before turning towards the door and stepping out, Richie grabs onto her arm. Preventing her from heading off.

She turns to him and furrows her brows.

"What is it?" She asks.

Richie opens his mouth to say something. Then closes it.

She tilts her head, in question.

"Be-Be careful, okay, Ronnie?" He says while frowning.

"Will do, Rich. I always am," She smiles while smacking his arm.

She stops in front of her house and pushes open the black gate. Walking towards the front door, she pulls her keys out of her back pocket and opens it. Completely forgetting that Bryce wasn't home, out of instinct, she calls out to him.

"Bryce?"  She voice fills the house before she realizes that,
'he's on a date, dumbass'
There was something so odd about calling out to someone in an empty house. Something so... Eerie. None of that matter, she climbs up the stairs to her bedroom and takes off her bra from under her shirt. Adjusting her arms back into the armholes, she tosses it across the room. It lands on her dresser. The house was silent. Lonely. Suppose, this is what made Veronica so vulnerable to IT's attack. Because in that moment came a thump. It came from downstairs, as if something had been pushed down. Something big.

Veronica freezes in place. Her eyes widening and she whispers to herself,
"What the hell?"

Her heart begins to race.
'What was that?'
Questions begin to fill her head. Her heart racing, palm beginning to get clammy. She felt sick to her stomach.
'Was someone here?'

She shook her head, in attempt to rid of the thoughts. Making her way over to the desk in the corner of her room, she grabs a pair of silver scissors which sat there.

Veronica, known for her impulsive tendencies kept telling herself,
'Don't do it, Veronica! Don't go down there!'
But, with a lack for better judgement, she found herself pushing open her bedroom door and descending down the staircase.

There it was again. She inhaled sharply, clutching the scissors tightly as her legs begin to turn to jelly. Her foot hits the floor.
"What the fuck!" She whispers while looking left and right between the kitchen and living room.

Again. Over and over and over. Her eyes squint and her breath gets caught in her throat. She forces herself to walk towards where she believed her noise came from.
The basement.

Holding her breath, she makes her way to the door and her hand falls onto the handle. Lip trembling and knees wobbling, she forces herself to turn the knob. She looks down the dark staircase and braces herself for what was to come. Holding her scissors tightly, she pushes herself to drop her foot onto the first step.

She shook her head at her actions, realizing she was pulling the 'dumb blonde in a horror movie' move. But, Veronica was impulsive. She couldn't help it. There was an itch in her mind, dying to know what was down there.

She way down the staircase felt like an eternity. With every step down, her chest tightened.

"Hello?" She says quietly when her foot hits the third bottom step.

No response.
There was nothing.

Yet, her heart was still racing and her thoughts were doing backflips all over her head. She let out a shaky breathe and dropped her foot onto the cold concrete of their unfinished basement.

Then, a wash of emptiness washes over her. Her chest tightens fully. Her eyes begin to water. She was all alone.

Oh no, not just in the basement was she alone. She felt alone everywhere.

"You're all alone now, Veronica." A voice whispers into her ear. No - it was in her head.

Her mouth drops and her breath gets more shaky. She begins to tremble.

The voice speaks again.
"No ones here, Veronica. You're all alone." She blinks and spins spend looking for anyone, anything, that can be speaking to her. She stumbles, dizzy. The scissors dropping to the ground.

Was she really? Was she all alone?

The voice repeats the two phrases over and over again before she turns to the staircase again and begins stumbling up them, grasping the rail.

On the fourth step, she's stopped by a tug at her hair. Her hair tie slowly being pulled out of the frizzy mess.

Her eyes widen and she begins running up faster. But before so, she feels hot breath on her ear.

"Fear sweet fear,"

She bolts up the stairs and runs straight up to her room. Tears spilling down her face as she swears to herself.
'Why did you go down there, Veronica!' She yells internally to herself.

When she entered her room and slams the door. She finds herself hidden under her covers, breathing heavy with tears down her cheeks.

And, all she could think was
'You fucking child.'

𝘀𝗵𝗲'𝘀 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻, ( 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝘇𝗶𝗲𝗿 )Where stories live. Discover now