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xxiv. emergency rooms & discussions


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VERONICA COLLAPSING IN THE DARK, DAMP, DIRTY, SEWERS was the one thing from the experience which Richie Tozier would never forget. Perhaps, he would forget the way she went limp and eyes closing - but, he'd never forget the feeling of fear, of cluelessness, and of loss as he looked down at her.

They hadn't realized anything was wrong with her until she had collapsed into Richie. They were still so deep into the cistern, all of them still with tear stricken eyes and heavy breathing. She had just collapsed, her head falling onto Richie's chest so harshly.

He'd notice first, of course. Looking down to her and seeing her eyes closed and how they wouldn't open. He thought it was real. This nightmare, it came true.

Richie would fall backwards from the group hug, screeching at them. "She's not awake. Guys, Ronnie, she's not fucking awake!" He'd say.

But, somehow, Eddie with all his medical paranoia hurriedly placed his fingers against Veronica's warm neck. Catching a pulse, breathlessly. Looking up to his panicked friends and nodding.

With panic running through their veins and breathing shallow, they began to run out of the sewers. Richie and Mike holding up Veronica's tiny body, their legs splashing through the dirty water, kicking it up as they run. Richie would just hold onto her tighter, the closer they got to the exit.

He'd be hysterical. All of the Losers would be. Yelling to Bill to hurry up, to remember the way out. They didn't know what was wrong with her, all they knew was that she wasn't awake. That was enough to make them believe the worst. And, none of them, none, could ever imagine the Losers Club without Veronica Mills.

Finally, with some miracle, they ran out of the sewers, leaving one bike back at Neibolt as they set off to the hospital. Bill noticed that it was very much like when they rushed Eddie, Mike and Richie placing her unconscious body into Mike's bike basket.

They bikes urgently, passing pedestrians and cars. Screeching to one another to hurry. Veronica's head lolling back and fourth at the rapid motion of the bike going over bumps.

"Cross the street! Cross the street!" Beverly shouts to them as they stop at a crosswalk, her hand slapping against the buttons

Stan looks to her. "Are you stupid? It's not time to cross!" He shouts back, eyebrows furrowing.

𝘀𝗵𝗲'𝘀 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻, ( 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝘇𝗶𝗲𝗿 )Where stories live. Discover now