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xxi. constant separations


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MIKE HAD MADE VERONICA GO DOWN THE ROPE FIRST, not that Veronica protested it. She was grateful Mike had made her go down. As she descended down her hands shook and the Losers feared that she would fall just by her shaking figure.

Thankfully, she got to the crevice her friends say in and she stepped it, collapsing into Richie's arms and wrapping her arms around him tightly, him returning the gesture.

"It's okay, Ronnie. It's over now," He whispers into her ear as he takes her deeper into the crevice, rubbing her back. She nodded, pulling away and wiping her tears away.

"I'm okay," Veronica says to him with a frown as she looks at the others and nods as if to say 'I'm okay'.

She watches as Mike clambers into the crevice. "Are you okay, Mike?" She asks, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm okay, V," He responds and she nods.

"Guys, where's Stan?" Eddie asks them, looking around and not seeing him.

The others look and are not able to spot Stan anywhere. "Oh, gosh," Veronica sighs as they all begin to crawl deeper into the tunnel calling out Stan's name.

"Stanley?" Eddie shouts out, his voice echoing off the sewers walls.

"Stan? Where the fuck are you?" Veronica calls as they venture deeper into the disgusting smelling, mold filled sewer.

Suddenly, Eddie stops the Losers by putting his arms in front of them, staring down at an area filled with dirty water.

"Oh shit! Grey water," Eddie says, gagging as the others all roll his eyes at his queasiness and begin to trudge though the nearly knee deep water, tripping and grabbing onto each other as they rushed through it.


"Stanley! This isn't funny!"

A scream fills the sewers, a scream which made their eyes wide and made them all begin to run towards the sound while yelling out his name.

"Stanley!" Eddie screams.

"We're coming!" Bill shouts and rushes towards a door. They stared at it for a moment before they began pushing at it aggressively until they managed to open it.

"Stanley! Stan?" Veronica shouts out as they rush through the door, clothes wet and shoes squeaking against the floor.  Once they were able to register what they saw when they got out from that door, their entire of what they thought IT was changed completely.

There, Stan laid on the floor. They could only tell by the orange button up he was wearing and and his curly hair. His face was covered entirely by some sort of disfigured lady.

"What the fuck!" Richie yells, while grabbing Veronica and pushing her behind him as if to protect her.

The lady looks up at them and descends into the shadows, the Losers staring at it in fear. The clown them peeking his head out before disappearing completely.

"Shit!" Veronica screams, grabbing Richie's hand.

They all rush to his side, falling to their knees, rocks and pebbles digging into them as they all try to comfort and coax him from his panicked state.

"Stan!" Veronica cries, grabbing at his hands and gripping them, tightly as if to let him now that he was with them and he was safe with them.

Richie kneels down at Stan's feet and Eddie kneeling down next to Veronica.

"No!" Stan screams, sitting up as tears flood down his cheeks and pushing them away from him.

"Stanley, no!" Eddie yells, rubbing his back while whispering that it's okay to him.

"You left me! You're not my friends! You made me go!" Stan screams, sobbing as his head goes limp and looks down to his legs as he cries.

"We're sorry!" Eddie says, continuing to rub his back as Richie stays silent. Ben and Mike telling him that he's safe.

"It's okay, Stannie. It's okay, we're here. We'd never leave you." Veronica mumbles in attempts to comfort Stan. She was never good at that.

They all were crying as they watch Stan scream before Veronica just wrapped her arms around him and clutched o to him for dear life, whispering that he's okay over and over again. The others follow and they stay like that for a moment, in one another's arms.

They notice two arms leave the hug and they all let go, following the noise and seeing Bill begin to wander down the corners of the sewers.

"Bill? What the fuck are you doing?" Veronica calls out to him while getting up and following after him. The others follow after her before they begin running after Bill.

"Bill!" Mike yells as we trip through the dirty water, sprinting after him.

"Why are we constantly separating! We don't have our fucking shit together!" Veronica groans, continuing after Bill.

They trip through the water again, it straining their clothes. Eddie trips over, falling into the water and screeching at the thought of germs.

"Ed's, get out of there! That's grey water" Richie says, shaking his head in disgust.

"N-N-No wait. Where's my fucking flashlight?" Eddie screams, searching in the water. The water splashing around and some maybe into his mouth, even.

Starting down at the water, they see decapitated heads float up to the top and Eddie lets out a loud scream which echoes off the walls.

Veronica scrunches up her nose before grabbing onto Eddie's shirt and pulling him back and into her, falling into Mike in the process. Him catching the both of them and placing them firmly on their feet.

"We gotta get out of here!" Richie yells, rushing forward followed by the other Losers who shouted out for Bill while they turn corners, shouting at each other, and slipping.

Veronica dragged Eddie by the wrist as Mike runs next to Richie and they lead the way, despite not knowing where to go. Stan and Ben following closely behind.

Finally, they reach some sort of clearing and they enter it quickly, running through an arch which connected the tunnels to it.

"Bev?" Mike calls, as he runs through the arch. Coming to a stop when he looks up and sees her.

There she was, floating in the air, head upturned and eyes a milky white. Quickly, they sprint towards her and before they do anything to get her down. Eddie looks up.

"Guys, are those..." He whispers.

"Missing kids. Floating..." Stan finishes, nodding horrified.

And only know did they realize, what the clown really meant when he told them them his three infamous words. 'You'll float too'.

𝘀𝗵𝗲'𝘀 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻, ( 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝘇𝗶𝗲𝗿 )Where stories live. Discover now