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ix. the fair


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AFTER THE ROCK WAR, the group of eight find themselves walking in a line down a clearing as a train passes above them. The order went Richie, Veronica, Stan, Ben, Beverly, Mike, Bill, and Eddie. The Lucky Eight, finally complete.

"Thanks, guys. But you didn't have to do that. he'll be after you now," Mike speaks up while slinging his hands back and forth.

"Bowers hates us! Nasty little fucker, hey?" Veronica laughs, slapping Stan's back and jumping up.

"Guess that's one t-t-thing we all have in common," Bill adds, speaking for the group, glancing back at Mike.

"Yeah, Homeschool! Welcome to the Losers Club" Richie yells out, squinting his eyes.

"Hey! That has a nice ring to it! Welcome home, Mikey Boy!" Veronica pipes up, excitedly with a smile.

The club stood in an alleyway at the Fourth of July fair, it was a day after the incident with Bowers and also a day after the club became complete. Bill stood in front of a missing poster, frowning solemnly. The rest were chatting while other's did the same as Bill. Veronica Mills leaned against a wall, staring off at her best friend who stood quite a bit away, blowing air into a tuba. She lets out a snicker before shouting out to him.

"Nice one, Rich! Giving the tuba a blowie, I see!" She doesn't notice the solemness in the air around her as she giggles while he scoffs and continues to puff his cheeks out. Soon, the man who owns it snatches it away.

"Hey! What the fuck, dude?" Richie yells, throwing his arms up. Veronica laughs out before deciding to turn her attention to the others. They stared at the newly pinned up photo of Ed Corcoran. Then, Bill pulled it up to reveal a smiling photo of Betty Ripsom.

"I can't believe they just forgot about her," Veronica quickly shifts her mood while walking over to Mike and shaking her head, sadly.

"Me too, V," Mike adds while looking down at his shoes. Ben and Bill continue to discuss the happenings, saying that something bad happens every twenty-seven years. Soon after, Richie saunters back into the group after getting an ice-cream cone from Eddie and slides beside Veronica who clung onto each word Ben and Bill said.

Noticing the ice-cream, Veronica smiles mischievously. Quickly, grabbing his hand and guiding the cone to her mouth and licking the ice-cream with a smile. Richie quickly nudges her.

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