Chapter 4

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* Ashley's P.O.V.*

"Hey Frankie, can you heat up a bottle for Emma?" I asked sweetly as I sat on my bed cradling Emma in my arms.

"Of course" he smiled getting up and leaving my room for the hallway.

If your wondering what happened once Justin got here, we'll not much. We just didn't answer the door for the whole 5 hours he was banging on the door.

I know it sounds mean, but he cheated on me, 3 times, I don't have to let him in my house.

Clearly, I don't think the wedding will happen. If I can't trust him how can I marry him?

A silent, yet loud cry filled my ears, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Shhh.its okay baby girl, don't cry." I cooed, bouncing Emma in my arms.

"You know? Your a really good mom. " Frankie said from the door way, bottle in hand.

"Thanks Frankie." I smiled. He smiled back and came over to me.

"Want me to feed her? You can have some 'you' time. I know how much time you've been spending with Emma for the past weeks." He said picking up Emma from my arms making me pout.

"NOOOO, Frankie, give me my baby back. I made her and pushed her out of me, let me hold her." I said standing up. He laughed and gave Emma her bottle , not taking his eyes off of her.

"Girl, go take a bath or something, your tense as fu-"

"Don't you dare finish that word in front of my baby's virgin ears." I joked, cutting him off, he chuckled and sat down in the seat I was previously sat on.

"Alright, alright. But seriously, go do something besides hold your baby." He said seriously. I sighed, but complied and went down stairs where my iPhone was perched on the island counter.

I debated in my head weather or not I should turn it back on.

I know the second it powers up I'll be bombarded with texts, voicemails, and calls from justin.

I guess I can't just run away from him for forever. I mean Emma still is his daughter.

I'll just call him.

I picked up my iPhone and held down the lock button, making the apple logo appear on the screen.

After a minute my lock screen popped up, it's a picture of me and Emma.

But the picture turned blurry as all the notifications appeared. I unlocked my phone and went straight to the phone icon.

I dialed in Justin's number and waited for him to pick up.

"hello?" I heard Justin's frantic voice ring through the speakers.

"Hey Justin." I said, slightly nervous. I don't exactly know what I'm going to say to him. Damn i should've thought about it more.

"ASHLEY!? Babe, please come home . I love you. It was a mistake and it'll never happen again, promise. Please, just come home." He wept. I hate when he cries, especially over me. It makes me feel horrible, however he brought this upon himself. No one forced him to go to that club and no one forced him to get drunk. And I 100% am sure that no one made him have sex with that girl.

"Justin. I am home. I'm at my dads. Were over, you've cheated on me three times. Justin three times. Just because you say you love me and that your sorry it won't send me back into your arms. Maybe we can have a future, but for right now I just need some time away from you. We can arrange something for Emma, maybe you can have her week ends." I said , tearing up.

I can't believe I just said that.

"W-what? Ashley, babe, don't say that we can - we can work through this." He sobbed.

I felt my hot, salty tears start to stream down my cheeks.

"J-justin. You brought this onto yourself. No one made you cheat on me in any of the three times you did it. They were your choices. You could've prevented all of them to happen. Just leave me alone for a while. You can watch Emma on weekends. I'll bring her tomorrow." I chocked out. Today Is Friday, meaning the weekend is tomorrow.

"No. We're getting back together, we're going to get married and be happy. We're going to have another baby. Please just don't do this." He pleaded. I inhaled a shaky breathe before releasing it.

"Goodbye justin." I said before hanging up.

I dropped my phone onto the counter and cried into my hands.

All I want to know is why he even felt the need to cheat on me. Was I not good enough? Am I too ugly for him? Too fat?

I gave him my love and I thought he gave me his.

Now this mistake is going to make Emma's life a mess.

She won't have a father to be with her all the time.

She doesn't have a grandma because my mom passed away from cancer 2 years ago.

My mom.

I miss her so much.

I wish there was a way for me to talk to her one last time, hug her one last time, hear her laugh, see her smile.

"Hey , what wrong ash?" I heard Frankie ask from behind me. I turned around , wiped my tears, and plastered on a fake smile.

"I'm fine." I said, not very convincingly though.

"Come here." He said opening his arms. I walked up and leaned my head on his chest, bawling my eyes out as he hushed and rubbed my back comfortingly.

"I can't do this anymore."

•••chapter end notes•••

What do you think she means by that?

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