Chapter 13

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*Justin's P.O.V.*

After hearing Emma say those words, I completely broke down.

"I know baby, I know. Mommy's back." I chocked out, wiping away the tears that were traveling down my cheek,but they were replaced with new ones, happier ones.

I picked Emma up and held her securely.

Emma nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck and started to sniffle.

"Baby, don't be sad. Mommy's going to be fine. I've known her since we were both 13 , that's a long time, and ever since I've met her, I've never seen her give up, let go, or even come close to a breaking point. Don't you worry about mommy, she's going to be perfectly fine and back home with us in no time." I smiled, tickling her sides, causing her to giggle uncontrollably.

"Is that my baby's giggle I hear?" I hear a raspy, weak voice ask.

I snapped my head in the direction of the voice sand broke out into a huge grin.

She was awake.

My fiancé. My lover. The wife to my precious child. My first and last love.

"Well, don't just stand there." Emma giggled, already snuggled up into Ashley's neck as Ashley cuddled her closely.

I guess I was to spaced out to even noticed Emma moved from my hold.

Striding over to her, I wrapped my arms around the two as much as I could.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I asked, kissing Ashley's forehead.

"Water would be nice, my throat feels like it's on fire." She smiled slightly up at me.

I smiled back and leaned down, kissing her straight on the lips.

It feels so good to be able to do this again and get a response unlike all those other times over the course of time were she would still be in the coma, I would peck her lips, but feeling her move with mine made everything better.

Forgetting there was a 14 month old in the room, our kiss began to get more intense.

My sexual frustration was at a new high and I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Ewwwww. Daddy! Stop eating mommy's face! " Emma interjected, causing us both to pull apart, Ashley let out a giggle and pulled Emma up closer to her. I stood up straight so I wouldn't be in her face.

"You got so big. Your so beatiful." Ashley weakly smiled, admiring our daughters features that were a combination of the both of us.

"Just like her mommy." I smiled, leaning down and pecking both their foreheads.

"Mommy, you sleep a lot." Emma sighed,as she was looking up at her face and trailing her pointed finger up and down Ashley's jawline.

I let out a airy chuckle , alongside Ashley's laugh.

"I'm sorry angel, I promise I'll stay awake as long as you want." She smiled down at her. Emma dropped her hand so it was rested on Ashley's shoulder, and Ashley began brushing the side of Emma's cheek with the back of her hand.

Emma let out a yawn and slowly her eyes began to shut.

"You tired baby?" Ashley asked softly. Emma nodded and cutely yawned, Ashley giggled and kissed her forehead.

"Go to sleep than." She smiled down at her.

She's so good with her, I can't help but stare adoringly at the two of them.

"Will you be here when I wake up?" Emma whispered , looking up at her with her big doe eyes.

"Of course , I'll always be here for you."

"Ok. Night mommy, night daddy . I love you." She muttered before shutting her eyes and relaxing onto Ashley's body, her head resting on the valley between her breasts.

"She's so big, and beautiful." Ashley sighed, tears flooding her eyes.

"Kitten, don't be sad. Your here now, that's al that matters. I love you so much. You have no idea how tough it was on me without you being around to cheer me up." I smiled sadly, leaning down to kiss her.

"I love you too Jay" she smiled, before closing the small gap between us.

This feels like our first kiss all over again.

With so much passion, love, and meaning.

I'll never get tired of this feeling.

"Umm, babe. We're going too have the bet make up sex." She moaned against my lips.

"Ugh yes. Three months of pure sexual frustration has taken a toll on me kitten. I had to resort to jerking off to pictures of you from lingerie photo shoots." I moaned back. She giggled and pushed me back lightly by placing her hand on my chest.

"That's kinda gross." She smiled playfully. "But flattering that I can excite you " she finished, leaning up to quickly peck my lips.

"You have no idea that sensation I get from you." I chuckled.

"Well, I couldn't say the same to you mr. Bieber." She smiled, reaching down at my hand that was rested on her bed. She began playing with my fingers.

"I'm flattered Mrs.Bieber." I teased back. She abruptly stopped playing with my fingers and dropped my hand back onto the mistress.

"Justin!" She whispered yelled, looking horrified.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"The wedding!" She gasped.

• chapter end notes•

Go ahead! Hate me forever!

It's official I'm the worst updater on this site!

And it's going to be even worse now that I'm going on a one week trip to the beach, than in July a two week cruise!

I'll be updating as much as possible! Promise!

Can we get some comments on this short chapter?

I honestly hate myself:(

Next update will be super long!


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