Chapter 1: Accidental meeting

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Three young heroes understood that Batman's suspicions about Cadmus were completely correct. First they got a glimpse at a creature that belonged to a hospital in some horror movie, then at an elevator, which, as they later found out, was way too fast for a mere two story building. There was something to be suspicious about. Why were they here in the League's stead? Well, the big guys had more important things to do. One of the villains planned to do something with the sun, the usual stuff and nothing out of ordinary.

But the League's orders were to 'stay put'. This caused Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash's justified reaction at being treated like sidekicks, and thus they created a plan called 'Poetic Justice', increasing the usage of this word maybe too much. What's the point? To prove to their mentors that they were capable of independent operations. That's why they were currently making a visit to the facility.

They looked down the shaft of elevator. It was very deep, so most of it should have been underground. Robin took the end of the rope and climbed down, his friends following after him. They reached the Sublevel 26, when Boy Wonder began to hack the system, being in his element.

"Bypassing security...there, go."

The doors slided open, revealing the true face of the facility.

"Welcome to Project Cadmus"

It was sure an enlightening journey. Giant gray trolls half the size of the floor didn't exactly add to the normality of Cadmus. The fire above them, on the surface part, played into their hands, helping to stay unnoticed.

One attempt at hacking later, the group of heroes entered yet another creepy room. Several glass tubes reached for the ceiling, inside of them some gray creatures crackled with electricity. The blue light and the shadows it created let out an ominous feeling, and the main source of said light was a huge screen. Under normal, or at least as normal as it goes, circumstances, Robin would attempt to hack that computer, however there was a problem. He was not the only one with this idea.

The heroes froze and hid in the shadows. Meeting with anyone was the last thing they needed. Once there, they were able to get a good look at the people, the screen giving enough light to do this. A boy and a girl, about the same age as them, about seventeen. The boy had shockingly white hair, wearing black and white clothes: black costume with 'DP' emblem, silver belt, white gloves and boots. The girl had black hair, dressed in green dress, without shoes. Getting a better look, they saw that the dress seemed to be made of leaves. Robin was suddenly reminded of Poison Ivy.

"Flames above!" The boy hit the panel after receiving another 'access denied'. His baritone voice would fit a charismatic villain, "Ugh, why should it be so complicated?!"

The girl put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry so much, Danny. Calm down, you can do it," she said softly. He took a calming breath, then flinched.

"Did you hear anything?"

The heroes were paralyzed. Apparently newly labeled 'Danny' had a super hearing. His accomplice started to listen as well.

"Three of them"

To the heroes' surprise, the other intruders looked right at them.

"Alright, you look way too unusual even for a secret lab," Danny said with crossed hands, "So I can guess you are unwanted visitors as well. You better come out."

Looks like they could see in darkness, too. The heroes walked out of hiding with raised hands. Only now they noticed mysterious teens' eyes. Danny had neon green ones which glowed in darkness. The girl also had green eyes, but they were forest green, and one unnerving detail was that hers didn't have pupils at all.

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