Chapter 6: Infiltrator

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A.N. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the chapter is here. I had rewritten it so many times that I have lost count. Hope it lives to your expectations. Also, prepare for some fluff.

"Mom, where is Dad?" Dani asked Sam, causing her to sigh, while looking around.

"I don't know, sweetie, he has to be..." she was interrupted by a kiss in a cheek.

"Right here," Danny finished the phrase with a smile. Sam smiled too, but she still narrowed her eyes.

"You are almost late," Her husband smirked.

"Almost doesn't count. Have you really thought I'll miss my princess' first day at school?" Dani beamed at him brightly, before Danny started to ruffle her hair with a smile.

"Don't do that," Sam stopped him, "We spent the whole morning trying to comb them," she tried to fix the mess on Dani's head.

Danny noticed that his daughter didn't look as eager as before. "Is something wrong, Dani?" He asked.

"No, no, I'm alright, I just...what if I don't find any friends like you said?" Danny smiled softly.

"Sweetie, I'm sure that you will. You have friends in the Ghost Zone, right?" At Dani's nod he continued, "It shouldn't be harder here. And if some jerk will try to mess with you, just give him a good punch in the need place," she snickered at that, while Sam just rolled her eyes behind the sunglasses with amused smile.

"Danny, stop corrupting our child," she said. Danny raised his hands in surrender.

"Hey, I'm just telling her what to do in this kind of situations," his look then became serious, "But honestly, there's no reason to search for a fight, Dani. Believe me, just be yourself, and everything will be alright," Dani nodded, smiling again.

"I still wonder how you managed to get documents," Sam said curiously. Danny smirked.

"Well, a little bribe there, a short possession in some moments..." he whispered.

"But you hate possession!" Male Phantom smiled, hugging Sam with his hand.

"Everything for our little girl, my dear," Danny pulled Dani in a group hug as Sam closed her eyes in content.

Even if her husband is a huge dork at the times, she still loved him. Sam simply adored his handsome look, his kind and caring nature, even his constant jokes for no reason.

Then Danny saw that they got weirded looks from people around, most probably because of such interaction between seventeen years olds with a preteen girl. "Sammy, people are staring."

"So?" She looked up at him. He was foot taller than her, after all.

Danny couldn't resist this look on her beautiful face. Gently cupping her chin, he lowered his head and passionately kissed Sam on lips. Surprised at first, she quickly recovered and returned it, wrapping her arms around his neck and grabbing his hair. After some time she pulled back, making Danny pout sadly.

"Alright, stop," Sam chuckled.

Danny raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Principal might demand to meet with parents, and we are getting late," Sam reasoned, rubbing his cheek with her thumb finger.

"Let's go then!" Dani said eagerly.


"Crap, where is it?" Dani mumbled to herself. She was ready to bet that Minotaur would feel homey here, since the school was one huge labyrinth. She hit her head about the wall slightly in exasperation.

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