Chapter 4: Family

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Danny paled at the sight of his wife. Sam was sitting on an armchair with crossed hands. And her glare could burn a hole in the wall.

"Oh...hey Sam," he said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Where. Were. You"

"" Danny tried to think an explanation. Sam stepped closer and picked up something from his shoulder.

"The soil," she rubbed it between her fingers, "Tropical," you can't fool her in this one.

"So what it proves? Maybe I was in some greenhouse?" He tried to sound confident, saying the smoothest excuse in the world.

"There aren't any greenhouses in here," Sam narrowed her eyes at her husband.

"Look, I just helped them out, there wasn't much"

"You are unbelievable! You are in this again, aren't you?!"

"Sam, this is for better good!" Danny raised his voice as well.

"For better good?! Then you should seriously look into your priorities, Daniel James Fenton!"

"Clockwork said it's for the best!"

"I don't freaking care what the old fart says! You can't just go in the middle of the night and expect me to be calm about it!"

"Sam, I'm not expecting you to like it! It's just who I am!"

The floor croaked slightly, causing seventeen years old couple look at one concrete point. They sighed.

"Dani, you can come out now," Danny said. Immediately their daughter appeared, wearing her green pajamas.

"What's wrong, Mom, Dad?" She asked.

"No, nothing is wrong, we were just having a discussion," Sam answered.

"It was very loud discussion," Dani commented.

"Don't worry about this, Dani. It just has something to do with..." Danny started.

"Someone's thickheadness," Sam finished, "Sorry for waking you up so early, honey, go back to sleep, please"

Dani walked back to her room, as her parents told her. Danny tried to say something, but Sam raised her hand.

"I'm going to sleep," with that she went into their room, causing Danny to sigh.


Danny didn't want to push his luck, so he bunked on a sofa. It was very uncomfortable, and lack of pillow and blanket didn't help the matters. The sun was already shining slightly through the line of horizon, and Phantom couldn't fall asleep. Finally abandoning the attempts, Danny just stared at the ceiling. It was the first fight they had, and he didn't like it in the slightest. But then again, why should he? They are together since they were fourteen, and married for year and a half, so there was something to be proud of.

Phantom hadn't noticed how it was eight am already. He needed to be at his 'job' at nine. They used money from royal vault and didn't feel the need, but for cover Danny started to work in local bookshop. It was very tiring sometimes, since he also had the whole dimension to care about. Sam of course offered to work instead of him, but Danny was very stubborn. Very.

But now he didn't want to go anywhere before solving the current issue. Getting up, he decided to approach his main enemy - the cooker. Putting a frying pan on it, he narrowed his eyes at it.

"Alright, I don't like you, you don't like me. But I need your help, so please, don't do anything funny"

Danny tried to remember how to cook that pancakes Sam often made. Taking the bowl, he started to add ingredients: the flour, baking powder, ginger, cinnamon, salt and...what was next? Nutmeg, yeah, nutmeg. He just hoped he got the proportions right, mixing all this stuff. In a smaller bowl he added milk, eggs, molasses, maple syrup, butter and vanilla extract. After whisking he got a fully combined mixture, which he poured into the bigger bowl. Everything was ready, so Danny started to put the mass on the pan. Of course, half of them was burned until the point they became pitch black.

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