chapter 5

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Before anyone could see him, he opened the door and glanced in. Lying on the bed was a girl. With a cut and bruised cheek, a broken arm and her head shaved with stitches zig zagging down her pale scalp. He gasped with shock when he realised it really was her. How the hell can this be happening? he thought. He gently picked up her good hand and holding it to his face, whispered "I'm here, Lily."

He looked down at her arm and saw a tattoo of the girl off their album cover there. She was a fan. Is that how they'd somehow become connected?

A nurse entered the room and saw him there.

"Who are you? Only authorised visitors can be here." she said sternly.

"I'm a friend of Lily's" he replied.

"Well, her boyfriend hasn't said she can have anyone else in except himself."

"Do you mean Bryan?" asked Tony angrily. "The guy who did this to her?"

"What do you mean? He was the one who rang for an ambulance after she was attacked."

"He did this and if he isn't arrested, he will no doubt do it again. If you don't ring the police, I will."

The nurse looked at him with an unsure look before taking his advice.

"I'll be back in a minute. I just have to go and see my grandma" he said to her, leaning over and gently squeezing her hand.

"We thought you'd got lost" his mum jokingly said.

"I bumped into an old friend down the corridor" he said, not wanting to worry them. Visiting time was pretty much over anyway, but he wanted to check on Lily before he left.

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