Chapter 7 |-| English

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I wake up to someone shaking me and I look up to see Luke sitting on my bed and Matt shaking me awake "You're gonna be late for school," Matt informs before walking out of the room chuckling. I rub my eyes and look at Luke who seems to be feeling better now.
"He's talking to me again," he informs with a smile "And he's right, you're gonna be late," he add as he stands up "Get changed, I'll wait for you downstairs," he demands before walking out of the room.
I laugh shaking my head a little as I stand up and walk towards the closet to look for some decent clothes.
I always thought about how it would be like having siblings and that's exactly how I feel about Luke and Matt. They're like brothers to me. Younger brothers and my responsibility is to protect them no matter what.

"No time for breakfast young man," Luke says as I'm about to enter the kitchen. He grabs me by the shoulder and lightly pushes me outside the house "I don't want to be late because of you," he adds and I pout "But I'm hungry," I say, showing him my puppy eyes and he rolls his eyes with a smile, wrapping an arm around my shoulder "I packed a sandwich for you," he informs pressing a paper bag into my hand and I thank him as he lets go of me to enter the car.

"Well, I gotta go to AP Biology," Luke says as we enter the school building "I'll see you later in English," he adds before disappearing in the mass of students.
I adjust the bag on my shoulder, before taking the sandwich out of the bag, making my way to Chemistry while eating it.
I have no idea how Luke got into AP Biology. I'm guessing he's super smart or something. He also has AP Physics with Mason and Corey.
I on the other hand suck at both those subjects.
Chemistry I can handle, but Physics? No thank you.
Let's just say I suck at school in general.
Even though I managed to get up my grades after the Wild Hunt, I can't seem to do better than 60%.

I kinda like Chemistry, but not as much as I like history. I think it's because Lydia's mum is my teacher, I don't know.
Today though, I find myself looking out of the window. Too much for my liking.
I wanted to focus on school and try to do better than 60%, but my mind keeps wandering to the dead bodies and especially to Theo.
Why him?
Why do I always seem to be thinking about him?
I know I like him, that's for sure, but I'm not attracted to him
Or am I?
Gosh, this is really confusing.
I loved spending time with him yesterday and I want to do it again as soon as possible.
He opened up to me a little, talking about some of the Highlights in his life and most of them were before he met the Dread Doctors. He told me the story of how he met Scott and Stiles when they were five and I'm impressed how much he could remember.
He said he was the new kid at their pre-school and he hit it off with the two immediately, they were inseparable and begged their parents to put them in Elementary school together and they did.
The three of them would do everything together, they even had a treehouse in the woods.
They would mess around playing 'cops and robbers' and somehow Stiles always ended up being the cop, but they didn't mind, they were just having fun.

I'm brought back to reality by Mrs. Martin calling my name and I look at her, seeing that she wants me to answer the question on the blackboard, I do as told, smiling when I get it right eventhough I just guessed it right. "Thank you Mr. Dunbar," she smiles before turning to another student, asking her to answer the next question and I turn to look out of the window again.

I'm the last student to leave the class and I make my way to English, looking down and smiling to myself, thinking about Theo. I try to hide the smile as I enter the room, sitting down next to Luke. Mason and Corey are on their usual seats behind me and Luke is taking over Hayden's seat in every class I used to have with her.
At the thought of Hayden, my heart sinks a bit.
I haven't heard from her ever since she left Bacon Hills to protect her sister.
I know she broke up with me, but it still makes me sad that she isn't around anymore.
She was my first love after all.
'You fall in love more than once,' Scott told me when I went to his house crying about Hayden leaving me and he has to be right, I mean he fell in love three times.
The first time was with Allison, the second time was with Kira and now he's completely in love with Malia.
I'm pretty sure I can do the same.

Luke's hushed voice makes me look up at him and he's looking out of the window, sharing glances with Mason and Corey.
I follow his gaze to see deputy's outside.
Not only just deputy's, but the Sheriff.
"What are the cops doing here?" A girl questions and everyone's attention turns to the window to get a better look at the situation.
"They think whoever killed the girl is a student here," Luke says in a hushed tone, so the other students won't hear him.
The four of us stand up and walk out of the classroom, curious eyes of various students following our very step.

"Sheriff," I call and he turns around, waving me to come and I do as told with the other three behind me. "I'm looking for a Phillip Hudges," he informs "Do you know him?" he questions "He's in my AP Biology class," Luke responds as the rest of us shake our heads "But he didn't come in for a few days now," he adds and the Sheriff nods his head "Do you know where he could be?" he asks turning to Luke "If he's not at home, I don't know," Luke responds "Thanks anyway," Noah says "Go back to class," he demands and we do as told.

"Did you sense anything odd about him?" I ask as we re-enter the school building and Luke shakes his head "He seemed normal to me, but maybe something happened to him since the last time I saw him which was on Monday," he informs "That would explain why he hasn't been in school since," he adds.
"Can Wendigos turn people?" Corey questions as we enter the classroom, glad that the teacher didn't come in yet and we take our seats. "I don't know," I respond turning to Luke, the other two mirroring my actions.
"I was born part Wendigo," he says "I never tried turning someone and I'm pretty sure neither did my dad or anyone I know, really," he adds and an idea pops up in my head "Maybe Theo knows something about it from the Dread Doctors," I suggest and before we can discuss any further, the teacher comes in, writing something on the board.
I've never seen him before, maybe he's a substitute for Mr. Ryan.
"Good morning class, I'm Mr. Sherry," he says motioning to the blackboard where he wrote his name. "Mr. Ryan is no longer a teacher at this school, he has a few personal issues he has to take care of and won't be returning anytime soon," Mr. Sherry explains and I share a look with my friends before looking back to the front.
After his explanation of being Mr. Ryan's replacement for the time being, the lesson starts and I try to focus.
Something feels off, but I try to ignore it.
I can sense that the other three are having the exact same feeling and their hearts are beating a little faster than usual.
Luke's heart is faster than Mason's and Corey's and he looks at me with a look that says 'Something is wrong' and I can tell that he doesn't mean Mr. Sherry's suspiciousness, but something entirely different.
My eyes wander to his hands.
His left hand is clutching the pen as he copies the contents of the blackboard Mr. Sherry is writing down while the other is balled into a fist, the knuckles turning white from the pressure.
That means only one thing.

Someone is hurt, badly.

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