Chapter 11 |-| Bodies

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"Are you sure that he's out here?" I question looking up at Parrish "This is where all the supernatural creatures seem to turn up," Parrish responds as we walk through the woods.
"If I had the scent, we would've found him by now," I inform "Do you know who you're looking for?" he asks turning to me. "The Sheriff is looking for 'Phillip Hudges' so I guess he probably has something to do with it," I answer "If you told me that we were looking for Phillip, I could've brought something from his house and you would've had the scent," he points out and I roll my eyes "I guess we'll have to do without it," I sigh, before my ears pick up a sound and my head shoots to the right, my hand in front of Parrish, making him stop walking, as my eyes scan our surroundings.
"What is it?" he questions quietly and I motion for him to keep his mouth shut when I hear another branch crack, this time from the left.
I sniff the air, trying to catch a scent and I smell werewolf.
I relax when I recognise the scent as Liam's.
"It's just Liam," I inform, putting my hand back down, before hearing something to my right again and I know it's not Liam, because his scent is coming from my left.
"That wasn't Liam," I inform looking to my right with my claws out.
Parrish follows my gaze before getting his claws out as well.
When I see movement I start to run. Parrish right behind me.
I jump on top of the person, ready to claw at his face "Corey?" I exclaim, getting off of him and pulling him back to his feet. "What are you doing here?" I question as I notice Mason behind me with a shocked look on his face.
"We were looking for you guys," Corey responds, rubbing the dust off his clothes "Nolan said that the hunters were leaving Beacon Hills for a couple of days, but he didn't know why," Mason informs as Corey goes to his side.
"We have to tell Liam," I inform "He's somewhere over there," I inform, pointing at where I caught the scent.

I follow Liam's scent and once I get there, he's already gone, rushing towards Theo's car I assume.
"We'll talk to him later," I inform, deciding not to run after him.
"I can just text him," Mason says, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
"Don't expect him to answer immediately," I inform as he types a message on his phone before he shoots me a look "Something is wrong with Theo," I inform "I think Liam is taking him to the animal clinic," I add and Mason and Corey share a concerned look with each other "We should go there," Mason informs, looking back at me.
"You can go," I say "I have to find Phillip Hudges," I explain and they nod their head in agreement, before going back to where they came from "I'm gonna go to his house and grab something of his," Parrish informs "Are you gonna be okay out here?" he asks and I nod my head, showing him my claws. "Okay," he exclaims, patting my back before making his way to the police car parked outside the woods.
I sit on a tree stump, resting my elbow on my thigh and propping my head on it. My ears are strained for any sound, but there's nothing, only birds flying around singing.

Just as I'm about to fall asleep, I hear noises coming from two directions. Actually steps coming from two directions.
One behind and the other in front of me.
I look behind me first to see Parrish in the distance, walking towards me.
I can't see the person in front of me, but I'm catching a scent and it smells like death.
I slowly walk towards it.

"There you go," Parrish says handing me a shirt as he catches up to me. I grab the shirt and wait to get Phillip's scent, so I don't lose the other one.
Parrish shoots me a confused look as I put the shirt to my side and I motion that I already have a scent and he nods as he follows me.
At the slightest sign of movement, I look around, trying to find whoever is in the woods with us.
A sudden pain in my head, makes me freeze on the spot and Parrish lays his hand on my shoulder, looking at me with concern in his eyes.
"That wasn't Theo," I mumble and Parrish frowns a little before remembering that I'm a Banshee.
The person I was going after stopped walking and I follow their scent further.
Finding a boy on the ground a few minutes later.
He was shot in the head.
"That's not Phillip," Parrish informs before calling it in and I look around, trying to find any trace of the shooter, to no avail.
I crouch down, analysing the wound from afar. "Silver," I say as the smell of silver enters my nostrils "Was he a werewolf?" Parrish asks, crouching down beside me and I shake my head "He's one of the bodies from the cemetery," I respond before standing back up to my feet, looking around again.
"Do you want to keep looking for Phillip now or do you want to wait?" Parrish asks "Nolan said the hunters were out of town," I mumble before looking at him "Anyway, it's getting dark," I informs "Maybe I should go talk to the others, tell them what happened you know, and let the Sheriff do his job," I respond before saying my goodbyes, making my way out of the woods and almost being hit by a car.
It's a police car and it stopped about two inches away from me. I breathe in relief for not being hit by a car again and look up to see the Sheriff stepping out of the vehicle.
"Are you Okay?" he asks and I nod "Parrish is with the body," I inform pointing at where I came from.
"I'm gonna go talk to the boys," I add and he doesn't stop me when I walk away.

The woods are a while away from the animal clinic. I didn't realize how much it takes to get there by foot until now.
I should've waited for Parrish to drive me here.

Oh, Well.

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