Chapter 24 |-| Hold on for your life

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I hear a hiss coming from behind me as the werewolf I was fighting falls to the ground unconscious and I spin my head around to see that Tara broke her brother's wrist.
She retrieves a knife from somewhere behind her and stabs Theo in the chest and I let out a scream, saying 'no'.
Theo hears me and turns around to look at me with a pained expression as Tara pulls the knife out of him.
He blinks at me once before dropping to the ground, closing his eyes.
I feel the anger building up inside of me and rush towards her growling, before clawing at her face.
She just laughs as i claw at her, making me even more angry and as I'm about to rip her throat out - literally, someone pulls me off of her.
"Don't do that," I hear Scott exclaim and I try to get off his grip.
Brett and Luke pick Tara up, dragging her away.
Once she's out of sight, Scott lets me go, stepping in front of me so I don't run after her and I growl at him.
"Liam," Stiles calls and I look at him. He's holding the knife that dropped out of Tara's hand when I attacked her.
"She used stainless steel," he informs and I look up to Lydia who's putting pressure on Theo's wound.
"She stabbed his heart," she informs shooting a look at me, seeing my sad expression "He's still alive," she adds and I breathe in relief.
"We have to take him to Melissa, before he dies from blood loss," Stiles points out and both Scott and I pick him up, quickly carrying him to the truck.

I enter the backseat, pulling Theo in and laying his head on my lap, while Scott enters the driver's seat.
I see Lydia and Stiles enter the jeep.
"Theo, you have to hold on alright," I whisper, putting pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding down, but it's too much.
"You have to trigger the healing," I add, hoping that he can hear me and Scott sighs, looking at me through the rear view mirror and I snap my head at his direction, looking at him with a questioning expression on my face.
"He was stabbed in the heart with stainless steel, it's not easy to heal," Scott informs.
"Like silver?" I ask "In the myths," I add quickly and Scott nods his head.
I pull Theo up a bit so his back is against my chest and I press a kiss to his cheek, before grabbing his hand and taking his pain away.
"My mom is the only one who can help him right now," Scott informs as I take a little more of Theo's pain, listening to his heart.

"Don't worry," Scott speaks up "Theo is doing that on purpose," he adds, referring to Theo's slow heartbeat and I look at him confused "Usually the heart beats faster when it's been stabbed, that's why people die faster when someone stabs or shoots them in the heart," Scott explains before looking at me through the rear view mirror.
"Theo knows how to regulate his heartbeat and he's keeping it low so he doesn't bleed out," he finishes as he takes a right turn, parking in the hospital parking lot.

"You guys are gonna have to wait outside," Melissa informs as she takes Theo away in a Gurney
"He's gonna be okay," Scott reassures, resting his hand on my shoulder as I huff in frustration.
"Let's get you cleaned up," he says, patting me on the back and I look at my bloody hands as Scott guides me to the bathroom.
"Liam," someone calls and my head snaps up to see Mason standing up from a chair.
"What happened?" he asks looking at my bloody hands in shock.
"Theo is hurt," is all I can say before I break out into sobs and I feel Mason wrap his arms around my frame, pulling me into a tight hug.
He whispers that everything is gonna be okay, followed by sweet nothings as I cry into his chest.

"How's your dad?" I ask after I completely calmed down "He had a heart attack," Mason responds "He's gonna be fine though," Corey adds, finishing his sentence and I smile a little.
"What happened with you guys though?" Mason asks looking at Scott and I "Scott is gonna explain you everything," I inform, standing up "I have to go clean up," I add, referring to my bloody hands and they nod their heads before I make my way to the bathroom.

I turn on the tab, washing the blood off with warm water and when I look up at the mirror, my thoughts go back to when Theo was stabbed and the way he fell to the ground.
Tara's smirk getting stuck in my head.
As anger starts building up inside of me, I feel myself shifting and punch the mirror, breaking it.
The blood trickling down my once clean hand and I watch as the wound heals.

"Are you okay?" Corey asks as I sit back down beside Mason and I nod my head.
"Do you guys know where Brett and Luke took her?" Mason asks and I shrug.
"I think either to Deaton or the police station," Scott suggests, before we just sit there in silence.


"Boys," we hear someone call and our heads snap up to see Melissa standing there.
I'm the first of the group to stand up, making my way towards her and bombarding her with questions like 'How is he?', 'Is he alive?' and so on.
She lays her finger on my lips to stop me from rambling.
"Theo's alive," she responds and I smile "I managed to stop the bleeding and he's healing. Slowly, but he's healing nonetheless," she explains and I start jumping around in happiness, hugging her as a 'Thank you', before hugging the boys individually.
"Can we go see him?" I ask, turnin back to her.

"Only you," she says "For now," she adds and I look at the boys.

They nod their heads and I follow Melissa to Theo's room.

Theo is on in a bed in the middle of the room, sleeping.
I sit on a chair next to it as Melissa exits the room, leaving us alone.
"I'm not sure if you can hear me," I say, taking a hold of his hand, searching his face for a reaction. Getting none, I sigh, intertwining our fingers.
"I don't know if you know, but I care a lot about you and I would do anything to protect you," I start, looking at him for a reaction. When I don't get one again, I just look down at our hands.

"I know we're not 'mates', because you haven't claimed me yet, but that doesn't matter. I will always find you no matter where you go and I'll always be by your side no matter what. I want you to know that," I inform and I can feel myself getting emotional over this.
"I'm sorry for hating you and treating you like shit before, even though you used yourself as bait so I could help Scott and the others. You didn't deserve that. I know that you were being an ass to everyone, but you did everything to protect us and you saved us multiple times," I say "It took me a lot of time to realise how much I actually like you and I would be devastated if you died. Just like I was devastated when you got hurt," I inform "I know I was the one who said that I wouldn't do anything for you and that I would use you as bait and I'm so sorry," I say "I'm also sorry about saying that we would never trust you and that Scott would never let you into the pack," I add, wiping my face as I feel tears rolling down my cheeks.
"I know I'm just rambling now, so I probably should stop," I say with a chuckle, shooting Theo a quick look before looking back down at our hands, squeezing his a little.
"What I'm trying to say is..." I drag on, taking a deep breath "That I love you, very much and I don't ever wanna lose you," I say slowly and I'm surprised at myself because I didn't think I would ever have the guts to say it out loud.
"I love you too," I hear someone mumble and my head snaps up to a smiling Theo. He's still half asleep, but that doesn't matter because I'm still not sure if I heard it right.
"What?" I ask and he shoots me a look blinking a few times to wake up properly "I love you too, idiot," he says, rolling his eyes but with a smile still plastered on his face and my eyes widen as I jump up, plastering a kiss on his lips.

He kisses back before pulling away with a chuckle. "You're adorable you know that?" he smiles and I just roll my eyes before pulling him in for another kiss.

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