Chapter 17 |-| It's a wolf thing

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"Brett," I exclaim and he looks at me "Liam," he says, a small smile appearing on his face as he makes his way towards us.
Luke and I instinctively take a step back.
"You were dead," I stutter and Brett shoots me a sad look "I know," he says, "But somehow I came back," he informs "I woke up and everything was dark, I had trouble breathing and then I remembered that I was run over by a car," he informs "I used my claws to dig my way out of the grave," he explains "When did you come back?" I ask "About half an hour ago," he responds and it sounds more like a question then a statement.
At least it explains his dirty clothes.
"What are you doing in the woods?" I ask looking at him with an eyebrow raised.
"I was on my way home when I smelled blood and went to look for the source," he answers "And did you find anything?" I question and he nods his head "You," he responds looking at me "And you," he says turning to Luke.
"Who are you?" he asks, giving Luke a once over.
"A friend," Luke responds, his claws still present and I give him a light squeeze on his wrist, to tell him that it's okay.
His claws immediately disappear and he rubs the kanima venom that was left, on his clothes.

"Is Lori back too?" I ask as the three of us walk around the woods, trying to find the source of the blood and he shakes his head, the sadness radiating off him.
"I'm sorry," I inform, pulling him into a hug "Me too," he says, before pulling away quickly at the
sound of shots being fired.
The three of us look around and we don't see anything which means the shooting is somewhere else in the woods. I shoot Luke a look to see if he's feeling anything. His face is still scrunched up in pain and he's balling his fists, but other then that he seems fine.
"Let's go," he says and we follow him further into the woods.

"Luke, stop," I call and he does as told, looking at me confused "We should wait for Scott," I suggest "Before something bad happens," I add and he sighs before sitting on a tree stump, I sit down next to him while Brett just stands there awkwardly, shifting his weight back and forth on his feet.
"I should go home and take a shower," he says and Luke and I look up at him with an eyebrow raised. "I smell like death," Brett points out and I didn't notice it before, but he's right, he does smell like death.
"You can do that after you talk with Scott," I say and he huffs, sitting down next to me with a sigh.

"Brett," we hear someone call and we look up to see Scott standing there with Lydia and Stiles close behind.
We stand up from our spot on the ground, dusting off the dirt.
"Scott, you forgot to mention that dead people were coming back to life," Stiles mumbles. "He did mention it," Lydia informs and Stiles frowns at her "He did?" he questions and Lydia nods her head. "Oh", is all Stiles says, before turning back to us.
Scott smiles, before pulling Brett into a quick hug. "I'm glad you're back," he says as he pulls away "Me too," Brett responds "My sister didn't come back though," he adds and Scott squeezes his shoulder in a comforting manner.
"Do you know how or why you came back?" Stiles asks, getting straight to the point and Brett shakes his head "I just remember being run over and next thing I know, I'm in a coffin, completely healed and very much alive," he responds.
"If and when I know more, I'll call you guys," he says "But right now, I need to go home and change," he adds before saying his goodbyes and walking away.
"Okay," Scott mumbles before turning to Luke and I "Did you guys find anything?" he asks "Liam said to wait for you guys," Luke informs "There were shots fired, somewhere over there," I inform pointing at where I think the shots came from.
"Whoever it was, they stopped firing," Lydia informs, looking around "And the guy we were looking for is dead now, I can't feel him any more," Luke informs shooting me a look. "What?" I ask confused "If we kept walking, we could've helped him," Luke snaps and I'm taken aback because he never snapped at me.
He takes notice of it and shoots me an apologetic look before turning on his heels, making his way towards the source of the blood.
"He's right," I say and I feel Scott's hand on my shoulder "We shouldn't have waited," I add, getting away from Scott's grip, walking after Luke.
I can hear Scott sigh before he tells the others to come with him.
They're walking a few feet behind me, I can hear their steps and their whispers. I decide not to listen to their conversation, instead I just try to follow Luke who's a few feet in front of me.

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