Chapter 16|-| Really?

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"Are you sure about this?" I ask as Theo stops the car in front of Scott's house and I know he senses the nervousness radiating off me, because he intertwines our fingers, giving my hand a squeeze.
"I'll have to do it eventually," he says and I turn to look at him "You just got out of the hospital, I think you should rest for a while longer," I inform and as I'm about to turn the engine back on, he swats my hand away "I'll be fine," he informs, "Let's go," he adds, stepping out of the car, before walking to my side, opening the door and holding his hand out for me to take.
I sigh, before grabbing it and getting off the car.
He flashes me a smile as we make our way to the front door.
As Theo raises his free hand to knock on it, the door is already being opened. "I thought you were never coming in," Scott says, opening the door wider to let us through and Theo lets go off my hand.
"I could feel your nervousness all the way from outside," he informs, closing the door behind him.
"I'm glad you're okay," Scott says, patting Theo in the back and Theo raises an eyebrow at him. "I'm serious," Scott informs, lifting his hands up in defence, before we enter the living room.
"Liam," I hear someone exclaim, before I'm being engulfed in a hug "I missed you buddy," the person says and I smile "I missed you too Stiles," I respond, hugging him back.
He lets go of me, his hand still lingering on my shoulder as he smiles at me brightly.
"Hey puppy," I hear Lydia say and I roll my eyes at the nickname, a smile on my face as she pulls me into a hug. "Hey Lyds," I greet back, before pulling away as I notice Stiles glaring at Theo a little "Hello to you too Theo," Stiles greets, a lot less happy. "Hi Stiles... Lydia," Theo greeted, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck as Stiles crosses his arms.
"I heard Scott gave you the bite," he says and I can feel Theo tense next to me "He did," Theo says before looking at Scott "Thank you," he says and Stiles looks surprised because he can tell that Theo means it. "I would be dead right now if it weren't for you," Theo adds and I can hear Stiles mumble 'Maybe it would be better that way' earning him a smack on the back of the head from Lydia.
Yep, Stiles Definitely still hates Theo, or doesn't like him at least.
"Looks like I'm not wanted here," Theo informs "So I'm just gonna go," he says but before he can leave the room, I grab him by the wrist, pulling him back and he looks at me "You insisted to come here remember?" I remind him and he sighs before looking at Scott again, "Can we talk for a second?" he asks and Scott nods "Sure," Scott responds as he follows Theo out of the room.
As Stiles is about to go after them, I stop him, asking him to sit down and he sighs before doing as told, sitting with Lydia on the loveseat while I sit on the oneseater, straining my ears to listen to their conversation.

"Really?" Theo asks excitedly "Yes," Scott responds "You saved Liam, more than once. you kept my Beta safe and I thank you for that," he adds.
"I can tell that you have feelings for each other," he continues "There's a different aura around the two of you, the same one I see around Mason and Corey as well as Stiles and Lydia," he explains "And you're not mad that Liam and I have a thing going on?" Theo questions "I don't mind that you do," Scott says "But if you ever hurt him in any way, I'm gonna kill you personally," he adds and I hear Theo's heart skipping a beat.
"I would never hurt him," Theo says "I would rather kill myself before I even got the chance to hurt him," he informs and this time, Scott's heart is the one to skip a beat.
"Good. Let's keep it that way," Scott says and I can hear him patting Theo's shoulder, before he re-enters the living room, Theo coming in a few seconds after him.
Stiles stands up, glaring at Theo and Scott lays his hands on both of his shoulders "Stiles, it's okay," he says "It's all good," he adds, pushing Stiles back to his seat, before sitting down on the three seater couch on one end, while Theo sits on the other end, closer to me.
He flashes me a smile and I smile back.
Scott forgave him, that's awesome.
I just have to convince Stiles now.

"Where's Luke?" Lydia questions, breaking the silence and looking at me "He should be here any minute now," I respond and as on cue, someone knocks on the door and Scott stands up to go open it.
Matt runs inside the living room and jumps on my lap, making himself comfortable on it and Theo chuckles.
"Sorry about that," Luke says shyly, as he walks into the living room after Scott "It's okay, he's just a kid," he says waving it off.
"Luke, these are Lydia and Stiles," Scott introduces, pointing to both of them individually "Nice to meet you both," Luke says, shaking their hands with a smile.
"What are you?" Stiles questions, being his usual suspicious self, "I'm a Chimera," Luke responds "Like your friend Malia," he adds "So you were born a Chimera, not like Theo who killed his sister to become one?" Stiles asks and Theo rolls his eyes with a sigh.
Even Scott seems to be done with his shit as he huffs.
"I was born a Chimera," Luke says, shooting Theo an apologetic look and Theo just waves it off.

"So you're a Banshee, that's why Liam wanted me to help you," Lydia says pushing Stiles gently to the side "What else?" she asks, looking Luke straight in the eyes. "Werewolf, Kanima and Wendigo," he responds and the three of them seem impressed.
Matt turns around a little, laying his head on my chest and closing his eyes as he dozes off in my arms.
"Can you show us what it looks like being all of those things at once?" Stiles questions, excited like a puppy. Luke shoots me a look and I nod my head, saying that it's okay.
He closes his eyes.
The claws are the first to appear, followed by his fangs.
He slowly opens his eyes to reveal his white Irises, gasps escaping everyone's mouth, even Theo's.
Matt and I are the only ones here who've seen it before.
"That's awesome," Stiles chimes and Luke chuckles, before closing his eyes again, shifting back to normal.
When he opens his eyes again, his breath suddenly hitches, his hand clutching to his chest and I can hear his heart beating like crazy "Are you okay?" Scott questions as he takes notice of it, laying his hand on Luke's shoulder. "Did you feel that?" Luke questions looking up at Lydia and she shakes her head with a small frown.
"Luke," I call, standing up and laying Matt beside Theo on the couch, before walking to a shaking Luke. "Oh god," he mumbles with a shaky breath "He's being gutted," he informs looking at me and the other three share concerned looks. "Can you see who it is? And where he is?" I ask, laying my hand on his shoulder and he shakes his head "But he's close," he informs and I shoot a look at Theo "Can you keep an eye on him?" I ask, referring to the sleeping boy next to him and he nods.
"I'll stay here with him," Stiles says and I shake my head "You're the FBI detective, you're coming with us," I inform "I'm the FBI intern," Stiles corrects "Still?" I ask shooting him a look "It hasn't been six months yet," he points out "Guys, can we go, the guy isn't getting any better," Luke informs through gritted teeth, before we leave the house.

After a while of walking around, Luke's head darts to the side as his eyes scan our surroundings "Do you smell that?" he asks and I take a sniff around "Blood," Scott and I say at the same time.
Luke takes off running and Scott tells me to go after him, saying that he'll catch up with the other two and I do as told.
I fall on my butt with an 'Ompf' sound before looking up to see that Luke is standing there frozen, his claws out anf ready to attack.
I jump back to my feet and follow his gaze, before I freeze on the spot myself when I see who he's looking at.


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