Chapter 18 |-| I believe you

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One Hour ago

"Guys, can we go, the guy isn't getting any better," Luke informs through gritted teeth, before they leave the house.
Once they're gone, I lay Matt's head on my lap as I run my fingers through his hair, playing with it a little.
He shifts a bit but doesn't wake up.

As I'm about to drift off to sleep as well, because I'm exhausted from the whole mercury poisoning and the bite thing, I hear a sound and my eyes open instantly.
I can hear the front door open and frown a little because they can't be back already.
"Liam," I call any way and the smell. That terrible smell of death enters my nostrils and I can tell who that probably is.
"Matt," I yell in a whisper, shaking him awake and he jumps up a little "What is it?" he asks his voice slurring from sleep as he rubs his tired eyes.
"I want you to hide okay," I say "And don't get out unless you're entirely sure it's safe," I add and he frowns a little before nodding his head and disappearing somewhere upstairs.
Once he's safe, I stand up, letting my claws and fangs out, ready to attack anyone who enters the room.
"Tara," I say under my breath as she enters the room.
She looks so alive, and you wouldn't believe she came back from the dead, unless you knew she was dead.
"Hi," she smiles "I've missed you little one," she informs walking closer to me.
I was going to jump on her and claw at her, but something is keeping me from doing it.
I would've used my Kanima venom on her, but I don't know how to and like I said, something is holding me back.
My mind wanders back to my time in hell with her, how she tortured me, ripping my heart out over and over again and I feel my heart rate rising.
"How are you alive?" I ask in disbelief because last time I checked she didn't have a heart. "I don't know," she responds and I listen closely, to see that somehow she does have a heart "You have a heart?" I ask still in disbelief "It's yours," she informs "Someone found your heart and put it there," she adds and I frown a little "My heart was burned, the dread doctors burned it," I say and she shakes her head. "I think they knew that I would come back and preserved it for me," she smiles and as I'm about to punch her, someone hits me with what I think is a baseball bat and everything goes black.

"Rise and shine sweetheart," I hear someone say as I come back to consciousness and I look up from my spot on the ground to see Tara standing there.
I look down to see that my hands are tied together with a metal chain and that the sleeve of my shirt is covered in blood.
Tara grabs my arm and sits me up, a groan escaping my lips at my throbbing head.
I'm guessing the blood is from my head were the baseball bat knocked me out and I look at her with my eye narrowed in anger.
"I didn't do it," she says with her hands up in defence, looking at me innocently and I roll my eyes.
"What do you want from me?" I question pulling my legs up to my chest, laying my tied hands over them.
"I want what belongs to me," she responds looking down at me and I follow her gaze which is looking directly at my chest where her heart is.
"You're not gonna rip it out of me are you?" I ask looking at her and trying not to show that I'm freaking out about it.
She laughs at that "I can't do that," she says "I don't have the power I had when we were in hell together," she informs "The most I could do would be killing you," she adds "But then your heart would stop and I wouldn't be able to get it back," she points out before shaking her head as if she was shaking her thoughts away.

"Actually I don't even need my heart back," she says out of the blue and I look up at her confused "I already have yours," she informs "Which makes me a Chimera," she adds, absemindetly running her fingers on the baseball bat someone else used on me.
"So that's your plan isn't it?" I ask "Kill me so you can be the success," I add to clarify things and she grabs the bat in her hands, playing with it with a shrug before she walks closer to me and starts hitting me with it.
I fall back on the ground, trying to cover my face with my tied hands as she smashes the bat against my legs, stomach and back.
It hurts like a bitch.
I can feel it healing but it doesn't have time to heal completely because she keeps hitting the same spots over and over again.
I decide to get my hands off my face to grab the bat and stop her from hitting me.
She gives me a strong hit to the head knocking me out again.

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