I'm not sure exactly what this is
if its agony or if it's bliss
I only know what I see
and that's not enough for me.
cruel words are thrown back and forth
this is not how it should be.
if we could put aside our anger and hatred we could see what this really means.
never will I know if there is a good life after this
but what I do know is that my choices effect it.
life is changing the way we look and speak each and every day.
truthfully, we're all lost and all lead astray
as if we're trash scattered alongside a bay.
what I do effects, me even though my heart is his.
if only I could escape my own life,
but, I'm not really sure what life is.
Poetry(poetry): -literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of the distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature. - a quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regar...