i feel like a bad mom.
not because my child is neglected, or unloved, or not cared for.
but because i just want to be alone.
i want to be along until i don't want to be alone anymore.
i want a few minutes, hours, days even, where i don't have to worry about anyone else's needs but my own.
i feel like i'm a bad wife.
not because i don't cook and clean and love my husband.
but because i don't want to be touched.
i want to sleep uninterrupted until i wake up. i want to stop cleaning and stop cooking and doing laundry until i'm ready to do those things again.
mothers and wives do not get these options.
i love my family and my life...
but i just want to be alone for as long as i'd like.
Poesia(poetry): -literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of the distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature. - a quality of beauty and intensity of emotion regar...