Chapter 3 (Daniela)

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The next day*

     I was sitting on a bench before school started with my best friend Tristan. Daniela saw me and walked over.

Side note: Daniela was very popular.

Daniela sat next to me.

D: Hi 😁

S: Hi, you look good today.😍😍

D: Thanks you to 😍😍

     Tristan went to go eat breakfast so it was just me and Daniela.

D: Can I ask you something?

S: Sure

D: Can I hang with you this weekend?

S: yes I'm available at 5:00PM tomarrow.

N= Narrorator

N= tomarrow is Friday.

D: Okay can't wait to see you. 😁

     After school I hung out with Daniela at the park we went to the swings and all her friends were with her. (remember that she's popular) I said that I had to go home

Daniela's POV

    Simon said he had to go, I got off my swing and gave him a hug and whispered "bye".

     Side note: POV = point of view

     Simons POV *
     I finally got home ate dinner, took a shower, then went to bed.

The next day
     I woke up late for school looked on my phone and Daniela texted

Daniela 💛: Where are you?!

S: Oh crap I'm getting ready right now.

Daniela💛: Okay hurry.

S: see you in a min.

Daniela 💛: Okay.

     I finally got to school there was only 4 classes left I missed one with Daniela. I walked in class with my tarty slip.

T: good to see you Simon please take a seat.

     My seat was next to Daniela seat.


D: where were you?

S: In bed 😊

D: hehe I do the same.

Time skip

After school Me and Daniela got a ride with her mom down to my house.

After school Me and Daniela got a ride with her mom down to my house

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D: Damn you have a huge house, I hope I don't get lost in it.

S:I guess you can say it's big.

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