MD part 1

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Mabel just stayed in her bed in the next couple of days. She only came out when she was hungry, or it was time for school. She was scared of Dipper, and avoided him at all times. She was seemingly tired all the time, and she hung close to her parents.

         Mabel had gone darker. The only joy Mabel found, was looking in her journal. She was looking through her journal, two days later after the incident , when she found the amulet spell again. she stared at it, and decided to give it a try. Mabel instantly ran outside of her house, and into the woods, and found a good spot. The girl shut her eyes, and opened her book

                                  "Amulet, vires sibi gestanda parabat: arma vis et inanis, Quod armiger accipit magicae!" Mabel chanted. Mabel clutched her chest as a surge of pain washed upon her, and collapsed, dropping the journal. She reached out to grab her journal, and felt something  go on her neck, fixing itself on her. Mabel felt around, until she finally found it. it was the amulet. Dark blue, with a symbol of a pine tree on it. Mabel decided to test out using it on her journal. carefully, the girl picked up her amulet, and willed it to bring the journal to her.   Sure enough, when she opened her eyes, Mabel saw a blue aura surrounding her, and her journal in her hands. Mabel gaped at it, but eventually dismissed it. 

                  The next day, Mabel went to school. she tied the amulet into a unsuspecting necklace, and walked the halls, feeling better then she had in weeks. She walked up to Pacifca, and started to chat with her.

                 "Hey, Paz!" Mabel greeted.

"Oh, hey Mabes!  you seem happy today! I'm so happy about that!" Pacifca cheerfully replied.

         Mabel winced a little at the sound of her ringing voice, but got over it. Mabel finished putting her stuff in her locker, and walked with Pacifica to her class. It was going well, until Mabel accidentally bumped into a certain someone.

              "Hey! watch where you’re  going you little-" Dipper froze mid-sentence when he saw Mabel's amulet. 

"You’ve an... AMULET?!" Dipper shouted. Mabel nodded slightly, Putting Pacifca behind her. Pacifca had helped Mabel so many times. It was time Mabel repaid the favor. Dipper clutched his amulet, and let out a little burst of magic from it. Mabel calmly produced a shield from her own amulet.  Enraged even more, since Mabel’s amulet had more magic power then him apparently. He let out a invisible thing of chains, and when Mabel put her shield down, he attached them to her.

"AH! THAT'S IT!' Mabel felt her eyes turning deep blue, like her amulet, when she flipped open he journal. Almost as if it knew what she was about to do. Dipper's eyes did the same thing, but his was light green. His amulets color. 

   Mabel closed her eyes, and waved her hands around in a fancy manner. The girl then lifted her hands, a large thing of light blue coloured electricity flowing visibly through them. She then burst the magic towards Dipper, who did the same thing back at her.

                                                                          Then it went black

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