FH part 3

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   Mabel walked into the school. Her hair was still turning light blue more and more by the day. Dipper hadn't warned her about this, but Mabel could see why. It also made her feel a bit weak, but that wasn't an as powerful effect. Mabel's goal was to find something on Amulets, or track down Dipper to tell her about Amulets by the end of the day. Sighing, Mabel went into her class. She went up to the desk, and signed a pass to go to the library. She walked quickly and quietly to the library. The librarian stared at her hair as Mabel passed her to the 'A' section. Mabel, scanned the books, but there was no books on Amulets. Mabel eventually remembered her book, from home. It was the journal.

  Mabel ran to her locker, and got out the journal. She flipped to the next pages.


"Amulets can only be used by people represented on a prophecy wheel are usually in the shape of your symbol on said wheel, (See the 'Cipher wheel on page 24).Amulets can turn your hair the color of the amulet itself, but that is just a side effect for all the power it holds. If an Amulet is shattered, according to my investigations, the person it owns, will be close to dead, only for a while though. The Amulet is a almost irriplaceable item, so if its shattered, the person, or owner will be left pretty weak, and powerless. The amulet is basically a horrible object. Studies were tested on other beings, so cannot be sure if it works on humans like me. Will test later."

Mabel was taken aback by how much there was on the amulets. She flipped through the next pages, and it was all on either Bill, the Amulets, or other investigations. Mabel flipped to page 24, and looked at the 'Cipher wheel" that was mentioned. She saw the Pinetree symbol on the page, and then decided she should read the description.

" Broken Pinetree- supposedly will be a fierce girl who fell for a magical artefact’s seemingly good powers." It said.

That was all. Mabel was shocked, and kind of offended. It said it as if she was a fool. Mabel shook her head.

"I may not even be Broken Pinetree. Don't get offended." She thought to herself, breathing in and out slowly.

  Finally, Mabel found another page.

"If the Amulet is shattered by Bill, or a person possessed by Bill, then the owner of the Amulets body will be open for Bill anytime, and he can be in their mind, unless defeated. This however, will make it impossible almost to defeat him in the first place. Be careful with your amulet if Bill has seen you, as he is hunting for everyone with a Amulet.   No one knows why, but he is.  Trust no one if you've seen him and you have a Amulet."

And then it stopped there with the Amulet and Bill stuff. Mabel was startled with the discoveries, and almost didn't hear the bell ring.

Then, in a hurry, she left, still almost not there with shock

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