FS Part 3

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     Mabel gasped as Dipper quickly ran over to her, somehow having enough time to untie her, before the members attacked. Dipper, in spite of all the chaos, threw Mabel her amulet.

"Go! Run away from here! Don't come back! For your own safety!" Dipper yelled as he fought off a few members. Mabel wanted to help, but she figured the best way to help now was to obey Dipper, and never come back.

Running away. Mabel heard the others.

"She's getting away! After her!" The leader shouted. Adrenaline kicking in, Mabel's heart pounded as she ran for her life through the dark and dimly lit hallways of the orders hideout. Mabel was lucky though. It was all one straight direction. She could run pretty fast like this.

"I need to get out of here now! They are catching up, and fast!" Mabel thought with fear, as she risked a glance behind her.

Despite all her muscles screaming at her not too, Mabel sped up, and hope burst into her heart like a open fire when she saw light up ahead.

"Finally! I need to go home as quick as I can!" Mabel thought, as the light came closer and closer.

Mabel burst out into the library. She checked the entrance. The order members were not far behind at all. Mabel, not thinking, used her amulet to levitate a big bookcase. Throwing her hands in a downward motion, she dropped the bookcase in front of the orders hole.

"Hey!" She heard someone screech. Ignoring them, Mabel ran and ran. She looked back once again, and saw the leader of the order, and a few members, running at her.

They caught up with Mabel way to fast. Mabel went down on the ground with an thump.

"Surrender" The leader growled.

"Never!" Mabel hissed. Doing a back kick, Mabel kicked away the person who was holding her down, and ran, using her amulet to make her go faster.

"I'm going to have to cut along a different path now" Mabel thought, veering off her normal path, watching with satisfaction as the order members went along the normal route. Smiling with relief, Mabel headed to her house, shadowing her normal path.

Mabel was almost there, when she heard a voice talking. Staying at a safe distance, Mabel spied on the voice. To her shock, it was Dipper and his dad. Dipper didn't look right through. There was something off.

"Done" Dippers's dad announced. Mabel looked, and realized that it was the cipher wheel. Her breath caught in her throat.

"Triangulum, entangulum. Meteforis dominus ventium. Meteforis venetisarium!" Dipper's dad chanted, his eye glowing blue. With a sick feeling, Mable realized that she knew exactly what he was doing, but she remained quiet, and hiding.

egassem sdrawkcab! Egassem sdrawkcab! egassem sdrawkcab! egassem sdrawkcab egassem sdrawkcab!!!" The chant was finished. The world turned grey, and scary looking. Mabel braced herself to see her worst enemy appear in front of her.

As if Mabel's thoughts had called him, A laugh echoed the clearing at last, and a golden triangle appeared.

"Well Well Well!"

End of Episode 8

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