FH part 2

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Mabel stood there, unsure of what to do. Should she run now, or stay? She voted run. Scared, Mabel grabbed Dipper, and ran. Dodging branches and stones wasn't easy, granted she was dragging another person along. Eventually, she made it home though, leaving Dipper. She had dragged him through the woods. He could get home himself. Right now, all Mabel wanted to do, was lay down and catch her breath but just as she was sitting down, the doorbell rang. Mabel groaned and dragged herself up, to get the door. Mabel was surprised by who it was.  It was Pacifca. Mabel  got the door.

      "Hey Pacifca. What are you doing over here?" The girl asked curiously as she opened the door. Pacifica laughed.

   "I came over because your my friend, and-wait.. whats up with your hair?" Pacifca asked, tilting her head. Mabel got a mirror, and sure enough, the light blue streaks in her hair were way more noticable. Mabel almost passed out. She freaked out.

    "Oh gosh. The amulet made it worse, but how! I didn’t even use it out there! Ugh!" Mabel ranted, sweating profusly. Pacifca gave Mabel a look.

    Mabel glanced at Pacifca, and stopped. "Sorry" Mabel apologized. Pacifca nodded, and sat her and Mabel down. She listened as Mabel told her what had happened, and as she ranted. Eventually, Mabel calmed down though. Pacifca processed all this very carefully.

   "Mabel, I think I know that dude, and also, I agree. This town can be really weird." Pacifca said to Mabel. Mabel's eyes glinted as she looked at Pacifca. "Really? Who do you think he is?" Mabel asked excitedly. Pacifca took a deep breath.

  "I dunno Mabel... should I really tell you this?" Pacifca asked, mostly to herself. "Yes! Please!" Mabel begged. Pacifca gave a wide smile. "Ok! So, I think it's Gideon." Pacifca declared. Mabel didn't know who Gideon was. She gave a look at Pacifca until she got it.

  "Oh! Yeah.. forgot you don't know 'em. He's a student at our school who is out most days, doing cool stuff." Pacifca briefly explained. Mabel gave a small smile.

  "Thanks Pacifica.” She said as cheerfully as a girl with depression could. Pacifica gave a small nod, and Mabel walked her to the door.

      "You sure you have to go now?" Mabel asked. "Yeah, sorry. But hey! I'll see ya tomorrow, We’ve got Mr Ritter instead of homeroom!" Pacifca said, smiling. "Ok. Bye!" Mabel said, waving. ‘Oh yeah’She thought. ‘Special ed’ Pacifica left, and Mabel collapsed on the couch. She was tired. Tired of life right now. All she wanted to do, was give in to sleep.

     Mabel ran into her room, and went to sleep, exhausted.

   Mabel woke up, panting. Her dream had scared her.

Mabel had still been in the clearing. It was the same scene from the day, except Gideon didn't come. Mabel was forced to make the deal, and Bill, like the journal had warned, Bill had taken over Mabel's body.

  The thought of her dream scared Mabel to death. What if that had happened?

Mabel knew one thing for sure now. Trust no one

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