B.C part 2

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Mabel woke up the next day more tired then she had already been the last night. She climbed out of the bed, and went downstairs to get breakfast. The first thing she saw was a note on the counter. It was from her parents. Mabel read it and sighed. They were always not there ever since they moved to Gravity Falls.

  "What's the point of even working if you don't get to spend time with your child, especially when they have a important thing today" Mabel muttered as she poured some cereal. Suddenly, she was aware of the time.

  "Oh crap! The bus!" Mabel yelled, running outside just as the bus pulled up. She ran on the bus, and waited for it to arrive at the school. When she got there, she was supposed to go straight to the stage, and get a mic check, quickly rehearse, and then perform.

Mabel was nervous, but she was also very excited. She got to perform a speech on stage, and it was about bullying. She had worked very hard to prepare a good speech before she had gotten home yesterday, and it was Mr. Ritter approved. It was all about what bullies could make someone feel, and make them do, and why people should do more to stop bullying.

It seemed like no time at all passed before they got to the school. Mabel practically flew off the bus, and into the school. Gravity Falls High was actually very beautiful, Mabel noticed as she made her way to the stage, which was in the gym.

  When she got there, she was immediately crowded with people doing mic's on her, and checking out her outfit, doing her hair, and checking the script. Mr. Ritter walked from backstage and laughed at Mabel's confused looking face.

"Sorry, but this is just stage business! Now, let's check that script. hm...very good Mabel! I love it! now, we don't have enough time for rehearsal, I'm sorry, but it's the way it is, so just take position. We go on in five." Mr. Ritter said, walking backstage again.

Mabel's face paled. She clutched her script tightly, and took a deep breath. It was her school. Only kids her age. She could do this. This is why she was hesitant to do this..nerves. Mabel hated being nervous, but there was no way out of this now. She could hear the kids coming in from behind the curtains. She took another deep breath, and the curtains opened. This was Mabel's time to shine.

"Hello, I'm Mabel Pines. This school year for me has been weird, and rough, but if there's anything I've encountered at school that as vicious as the stuff I encounter outside of school, It's bullies. You all know what bullies do. Endlessly tease or prank the kid that is their victim, But, what you guys probably don't know is why. Why do the bullies do it. Well, I've learned it can be a number of reasons. Maybe they have a crush on the victim. Maybe they have their own home problems. Now, none of this is a excuse to take it out on others,but they do it. Now, bullies can make you feel worthless, or depressed. They may even make you have suicidal thoughts.Well, these alone are why we should stop bullying, and one way of doing that is trying to figure out why the bully does it, so that way you can figure it out, and help both the bully, and the victim with their problems. Thank you for listening, and on your way out, please donate money to the national anti-bully campaign. Thank you!" Mabel finished.

The curtains closed.


End of Bully Campaign. 

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