1989: Bleach In Heaven Part One

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           Its been a year since I moved out to Washington. I have enjoyed every minute that I have spent with Kurt. Funny thing is Kassandra and Krist hit it off really well and started dating. We didn't hear much from those two for a good couple weeks after they got together we swore it was because they were too busy to come up for air. Kurt and I have grown closer and his band was already starting to become a reality. They even had a few songs that were close to completion by the beginning of 1989. This was definitely a year of trying new things and making mistakes. Myself, Kurt, Krist, and Kassandra we all had to learn that one the hard way. There were a lot of things done that year that we probably shouldn't have done.

      "Rhi are you going to be able to make it over to watch band practice tonight? Kurt asked looking up at me with pretty blue eyes waiting for my answer.

     "Of course I am. I get off early enough from work tonight and besides I promised you I would be there didn't  I?" I said smiling at him 

     "Yay!" He cheered and I smiled once more. He was so adorable and almost childlike sometimes. I thought it was the cutest thing on the planet. I sat around talking with him until I had to leave for work just like every other day. I hated working at that gas station but I knew that I had nothing else, what other choice did I have in the matter?

     I walked to work my mind every where else but work, I decided that I seriously need to find a new job but that was easier said than done in a small ass town like the one I was living in. I got to the station sighing as I clocked in. I knew with the day that I was having already that it was going to be what felt like a forever at work. Some days went by faster than others and that was what really sucked. My day got off to a rough start when some idiot tried to start a fight with me. I just wanted the day to end and by the time the owner came in to the store I was already fighting through my tears trying to make it through the work day.

     "Rhi are you okay?" He asked as I finished with the last customer in line.

     "Not really but I'll make it." I said with a smile that wasn't even believable.

     "Rhi take off early sweetheart. You're a mess, in fact I'm calling Kurt to come get you. I don't want you by yourself." He said looking at me very concerned

    "Are you sure because I can finish my shift." I said.

    "Yes you take care of you Rhi. You can't be my star employee if you don't take care of yourself." He said smiling at me. Before he went into the back and called Kurt. 

     "Hi, this is Mark. Rhi's boss at the station. Can you please come get her. She's a wreck right now and I told her to take off early but I don't want her leaving by herself." Mark said as Kurt answered the phone.

    "Tell her I'm on my way." Kurt said as he hung up the phone.

    "He's on his way Rhi." Mark said as he came out of the back office. 

    "Thanks Mark, you know your to good to me." I said with a weak smile trying to keep from crying yet again. That day was just so off and stressful that I was finding it hard to keep myself from falling apart.

     "Well Rhi I may be your boss but I'm also your friend and I care about you." He said grinning a little. It wasn't much longer after that Kurt showed up, and he could see from my eyes that I had been crying.

     "Rhi babe, what's wrong?" He said as walked in and wrapped his arms around me.

    "I don't know. I just feel so..." I trailed off not knowing what words to use.

   "I know babe, let's go home. We'll relax and watch a movie until the guys get there." He said grinning at me.

   "Okay." I said with a weak smile sniffling a little. Kurt thanked Mark and smiled as he walked me out of the station.

  "Take care Rhi." Mark said as I walked out with Kurt.

  "I will." I called as we hit the cold outside air and started pressing onward. I still wanted to cry but part of me was still forcing it inside and not allowing any more tears to fall.

  "Rhi babe, if you need to cry do it. Honey I love you and if that's what it takes for you to feel better I want you to do it." He said looking at me with pleading sea blue eyes. That's when I broke down completely and started bawling my eyes out.

    "Rhi honey what ever it is we will make it through it." He said as we stopped right in front of our door.

   "I know I just feel so down and I have no clue why." I said as the tears began to fall heavier.

   "Rhi babe, do you have depression?" He asked looking me dead in the eyes.

   "Maybe I don't actually know." I said honestly. I never did go and get checked for anything wrong mentally because my mom didn't believe in mental illness.

   "I think you do and just know that I will be here for you no matter what." He said pulling me close once again. He opened the door and lead me inside.

   "What movie do  you want to watch." I asked as my tears finally started fading away.

   "Well you chose babe." He  said with a smirk.

   "A Nightmare on Elm St. please?" I asked looking at him and smiling a little.

   "You got it babe."

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