1 The Jacksons?!?

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You woke up from some noise. It sounded like two people screaming.
You rubbed your eyes still tired and sat up in the bed.
And when you saw the room you were in, you were shocked. This wasn't your room. And the bed you were laying in was also not yours.
'Oh god, what happened?', you thought and stood up. Then you opened the door and pieked out of the room into an empty corridor.
Now that you had opened the door, the screaming got louder.
"No, Randy! It's my turn!", one voice said.
"You were playing over an hour now, so it is MY turn!", another voice yelled back.
"It is my game!"
"No, it is mine!"
"Randy, Jermaine! Would you stop fighting and help me to make breakfast?", this voice belonged to a girl. It sounded like a young girl.
The Randy- and Jermainevoices stopped their screaming and you stepped out of the room.
And that's when a young man appeared in the corridor.
"Good morning, Y/N.", he said.
You looked at him like he was a ghost. He knew your name? Why did this man know your name?
Then another man appeared. "Hey, nice pyjama, Y/N.",he said and you looked at him irritated. He grinned and said: "At least for a housemaid."
What? Housemaid? You didn't knew what was going on.
After a few seconds, you were still standing there, he came back. "The bathroom is right next to you."
"Jermaine, I think, Y/N knows this.", that was the young girl from before.
She was around sixteen and had black curly hair like all the other people here.
You had the feeling that you knew them from somewhere but you couldn't figure it out.
You waited til they were gone then you went to the bathroom.
You knocked three times quietly to make sure nobody was in there.
You opened the door, stepped in and turned around.
And next you began to scream as loud as you could.
The man infront of you began to scream as well.
He looked shocked and had completely forgotten that he had shaving cream on his cheek.

 He looked shocked and had completely forgotten that he had shaving cream on his cheek

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Suddenly the door opened and the girl came in.
You both stopped screaming and looked at each other.
When you realised who was standing infront of you, you felt like you were going to faint.
But this was impossible! This man could NOT be Michael Jackson. No way!
And Michael Jackson was not only 24 or 25. He was already dead.
But who- "Which year is it?", you interrupted your own thoughts.
"1984", the man who looked like MJ answered, obviously confused.
"Wh- what?", you couldn't believe your ears. In 1984 you weren't even born.
After a few seconds of silence he said: "Well, I guess you are Y/N?"
You nodded and he smiled.
"Err... yea, this is the bathroom...", he said, while rubbing his neck.
"Yes", you answered, sighing. You couldn't believe, this was really happening. And if it wasn't, you did not want this dream to end.
"So, Y/N, maybe you should wait outside until Michael has finished, huh?",Janet (now, that you saw Michael, you had finally figured out who the others were) said,chuckling a little.
You instantly blushed, when you realised how you were starring at him.
"O-of course.", you stuttered and followed her out of the bathroom.

'Oh god, what had happened this morning was so embarrassing.', you thought to yourself. First you looked at everybody like they were aliens and then you bursted into the bathroom and screamed when you saw Michael Jackson in there shaving his chin.
And now you were sitting with them at the table to eat breakfast.
There was Jackie, Marlon, Tito, Randy, Jermaine, Michael, Janet and their parents.
And they were all trying to explain why you were here because you admitted that you had no idea.
"You have applied as our housemaid.", Randy said.
And at the same time Jackie said: "Yesterday we showed you your room and the rest of the house."
Everyone told you something but you couldn't remember a thing.
"So Y/N. Then tell us where were you yesterday.", Joseph said all of a sudden.
The others stopped talking and looked at you.
"Well...", you began, "I was in my apartment in Seattle."
They looked at you like you were crazy. But you hadn't finished yet.
"I was working on a song and it was the year 2017."
After you said this, you instantly regretted it.
"2017?", Katherine asked, not sure if she heared right.
You nodded your head.
"Are you sure, Y/N?", Randy asked.
Again you nodded your head, this time a little bit stronger.
"Ookay", Michael said, "Then what were we doing in 2017?"
You looked at him in pure shock. You couldn't tell him that.
"Yes, Y/N. Tell us what was our 'King Of Pop' doing in 2017?", Jermaine agreed.
You shook your head. No. You just couldn't tell them that.
"I... I don't want to talk about 2017. I... I g-guess, I just thrusted m-my head somewhere...", you whispered while looking down.
"No no. I wanna know what I will be doing in the future.", Michael grinned. You just shook your head again. If you would tell him, he wouldn't be doing anything in 2017 because he was dead since 2009, he would hate you.
"You... you...", you stuttered, trying to think about something that you could tell him.
Then you had an idea.
"You will be doing a cartoon about 'Thriller' for halloween."
"Really?", he asked you.
You nodded. And you did not lie. You just did not tell him the whole truth.
"That's cool. I am already now excited for it."
"Mike, you do not really believe this, don't you?", Jermaine asked irritated.
"Why not?"
"Because she admitted, that she thrusted her head somewhere."
"Probably.", Michael corrected him.
"So people in 2017 do still listen to 'Thriller'?"
"Yes!", you said smiling wide, "That's what I did yesterday."
He smiled back and then looked back to his plate, on which he had put a huge pile of food.
"Do you want to eat all this?", you asked him, trying to find a new topic to talk about.
"Yea, sure.", he answered, "I'm hungry."

After you all finished eating, they showed you around the house again.
"And Michael, since you like talking to Y/N so much,why don't you show her your room?",Katherine asked and Janet giggled in the background.
"Err... Don't I have to work?", you said. You and THE Michael Jackson alone in his room. That was almost to much for you to take.
"No, sweetheart. Today you don't have to work. You will start working tomorrow.", she gave you a warm smile, then she looked at her son.
"So, Michael?"
"Err... Yes, o-of course.", he said, tripping over his words.
Then he shyly reached out his hand for you.
"Come with me, my room is in this direction."

Back In Time {MJ} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt