15 Remember Mandy?

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Since that incident you didn't get to see Michael very often. It felt as if he was trying to stay away from you.
This morning for example he had seen you downstairs at breakfast and he just left his still half filled plate and stormed past you and out of the room.

But today was also the day you were leaving for another city where Michael would have his next concerts.
And Janet had managed to get permission from her bigger h to let you stay in their bus instead of the one for the rest of the crew members.
He might not like you very much but he just had such a big heart.
Or as Janet said: "How could he not be charmed by such an amazing sister that I am".
You were a bit afraid of that, though, because you had been having nightmares the last few nights.
They were always the same: You and Michael were sat on a bridge at a romantic looking lake. The bridge wasn't very big but it was enough for you two to stand on. Michael leaned in to kiss you and you were already closing your eyes happily. But then you felt a harsh push against your chest. You fell backwards into the deep water and the last thing you saw was Michael walking away and with his arm around another woman. Mandy.

Only now that you were already on the tour bus with Janet waiting for Mike to arrive did you remember her.
Janet said it after you had first met him again: he had a girlfriend.
How could you have forgotten about her?
Of course you'd never have a chance if he was in a relationship.
And she did say that it was pretty serious - but she also said that... a high female voice interrupt your thoughts.
The door of the bus had flewn open and a beautiful blonde woman walked inside. She was maybe 30 years old and absolutely stunning!
"Oh you brought your bestie, Janet?", she asked excitedly.
Janet nodded with a forced smile to her face.
"Well, it's super nice to meet you.", she said still in this high squeaky voice and extended her hand for you to shake.
The next voice you heard was much softer. Michael's.
"Mandy, calm down.", he said and laied a hand on her shoulder, "You're getting way too excited."
"Oh sorry", she giggled this time in a much less high voice, "It's just always so exciting for me to meet new friends of Michael."
"Oh umm, she's not exactly um...", he tried to explain and you were truly a bit hurt by that.
Of course you didn't have much to do with him but not even a friend?
On the other side you had never had much friends and if you spend time with people - or you had to - they still never considered you a real member or their friend group. At the end you would always stand there alone.
But Janet was different. She supported you, just like right now.
"Oh shush, Michael. She's an old friend of ours and my absolute best friend: Y/N."
She smiled brightly and you did too, relieved.

Having Mandy on the tour bus was strange. Really strange.
She acted like you had known each other for years. In the morning she'd hand you some hot chocolate she just made, in the evening she'd ask you if you wanted to join them to watch a movie.
And it had only been two days so far...
Right now you had just declined her offer to watch 'Titanic'.
'Why is she like this?', you asked yourself after you had snuggled up in the bed. It was pretty small since it was on the tour bus and Michael's was right on the opposite wall, while Janet slept on the one over you.
'She doesn't even know me', you rolled to the other side of the bed.
And there truly was nothing bad to say about her. Yes, she was a bit annoying and weird at first with her overly excited ways. But she was always so kind, so polite and just - she was the perfect girlfriend for Michael.
You sighed.
'Yes, she is definitely for him.', you mumbled into your pillow before you fell asleep.

Did you still remember that Michael had a girlfriend?
To be honest, I forgot about Mandy but I was rereading all those amazing comments you left me in the whole story - thank you so much for that, it means so much to me and it's a wonderful motivation - I came across her again. And now she's joining on the tour!

Back In Time {MJ} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt