5 Visiting Michael

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The next night and the night afterwards, you couldn't sleep. You worried about Michael 48 hours, not even one second passed by when you didn't think about him.
You called the main producers of the rehearsal and you told them to take really good care of Michael. You told them to get him away from fire, but you still were afraid.
Plus there was this one question in your head: Could you change the past? Or would everything happen like it happened in the 1983, when you weren't even born?
You thought about this for hours but you just couldn't find an answer.

"Y/N!", Janet suddenly screamed and bursted into your room.
She looked like she was about to cry.
"What?", you asked irritated.
"Michael", was all she could say before the tears started streaming down her cheeks.
You were shocked and followed her downstairs and out of the house. The family was already sitting in the car.

As soon as you all arrived at the hospital, Michaels siblings and you stormed into the building.
"Are you here to visit Mr Jackson?", a doctor asked Janet as he saw you.
"Yes", she answered.
"Alright, then come with me."
When he leaded you to Michaels room, he explained to his parents what had happened: "His hair was catching fire but before it could burn the skin on his head, one of the actors splashed a pot of water on his head. You can be happy that this man reacted so fast, Mr and Mrs Jackson. It could have had bad forces if the fire would have burned his skin."
He opened the door for you all to step in and there he was. He was laying in a hospital bed in the middle of the room with a bandage on his head. His eyes were closed and you could hear him snorring quietly when you stepped next to his bed.
The tears were still streaming down your face and you touched his face carefully.
The uncomfortable look on his beautiful face turned a little bit more relaxed when you stroked his cheek.
"He will take a few medicines for the next days and they could have some side effects. But if his skin would have been burned, he would have had to take more medicines and for quite a long time. Maybe for the rest of his life from time to time.", the doctor said the last part as if he wanted to apologize for the side effects.
"But this is not happening?", Katherine asked to make sure again.
The doctor shook his head smiling and then he went out of the room.
"Oh god, what have you just done, my son?", Katherine whispered and carefully touched Michaels bandaged head.
Then she turned to you. "Y/N", she said, "How did you know that this would happen?"
You looked down and mumbled: "Umm, d-did I?"
Everybody nodded and Randy said: "Yes, you were so afraid of what could happen to Michael the last days. You warned him and you even told the producers to keep him save from fire."
You sighed sadly. Would they believe you, if you would tell them again that you actually came from 2017?
After a while of silence, Marlon whispered, almost not understandable: "Maybe Y/N is telling the truth. Maybe she really comes from the future..."

"What else is there that I don't know about you?", a quiet voice whispered when Michaels family left and you were the only one who was still in his room.
"What?", you asked confused but smiled because Michael was awake again.
"Well, you obviously are a time traveler. What else is there, I do not know about you, Y/N?", he repeated his question.
"Umm..", you hesitated, "N-nothing." 'Besides the fact that I love you.', you finished your sentence in your mind.
You just smiled and looked at his face for a while when he closed his eyes again. Those gorgeous eyes.
And those perfect shaped eyebrows... And his cute little nose... And his gorgeous lips...
When you looked at his mouth that was opened a little bit so he could breathe better, you suddenly thought back to the time when Michael showed you his room and his face was coming closer and closer to yours. You almost kissed. Well, almost.
You automatically leaned in closer to his lips without even noticing it.
But all of a sudden, Michael opened his eyes again and said: "Thank you, Y/N." And then he smiled. And as he did this, the tip  of your nose touched his and he smiled even more.
"Errr, for w-what?", you stuttered.
He laid a hand on your left cheek and while you began to blush like a tomato, he said: "For warning the others and giving them advices and I am so sorry that I didn't listen to you."
You smiled as a few tears began to form in your eyes and answered: "No, no. It's okay, Michael. You are okay."
He nodded his head and then said: "I just hope that I can get out of here very fast."
This time you nodded with your head and wanted to tell him, how happy you were that you got to know him but you stopped instantly when he began to caress your face with the hand that was still on your cheek.
You felt yourself blushing again and Michael bit his lip. Then he slowly pulled your face closer towards his.

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