3 Shopping Trip

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Then your thoughts were being interrupted by Janet: "Hey, Y/N. Do you want me to show you my room after the dinner?"
You smiled at her and nodded your head. For sure, being with Janet would be a good distract from Michael and his brother.

"Is this your boyfriend?", you asked looking at a picture on her desk.
It showed her and a boy cuddling.
She smiled widely. "Yes, this is Jake.", she answered.
Then she took the picture and gave the boy a kiss.
"Do you have a boyfriend, Y/N?", she then asked still looking at the picture.
You shook your head, no.
"I really don't know what's up with Michael. All of a sudden he treats you like you've done something bad to him."
You giggled and said: "And what does this have to do with the fact that I don't have a boyfriend?"
"Well", Janet said smiling, "You two would be a cute couple."
I rolled my eyes.
"Hm, but I'm not interested.", you said.
"You're lying.", Janet said a little bit too loud.
"No, I'm not.", of course you were lying but you didn't want to let the whole family know that you had a crush on him. Plus you espescially didn't want him to know it after he acted that strange infront of you.
"Oookay.", Janet said, turning towards her closet.
"I have no clothes...", she sighed.
You stood next to her and looked into the now opened closet.
It was full of tshirts, dresses, jeans, skirts, everything that a human could wear.
"We should go shopping some time."
You nodded quickly because you loved to shop new clothes.
"Why don't we go right now?"
Janet grinned wide and you two ran down the stairs after you grabbed your purse.
Janet was already outside and you wanted to follow her but you couldn't.
Someone suddenly pulled you back into the house.
"Where do you think, you're going?", Michael growled, pressing you to his front.
You tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong. So you just crossed your arms.
"Why do you wanna know?", you asked him pissed.
"Because-" "We're gonna go shopping, Michael. So could you please let go of her?"
You could see him shaking his head in the corner of your eyes.
"No. It's already evening. Go shopping tomorrow."
"Michael.", you now turned around in his arms, "I am an adult. I can do whatever I want to do. And Janet is seventeen, plus I can take care of her."
"No.", Michael repeated, "Go shopping tomorrow."
Then Katherine appeared next to you and Michael.
"Hey, what are you doing, my kids?", she asked, giving you and Michael an amused look for he had still wrapped his arms around you.
"Y/N and I want to go shopping but Michael won't allow to let us.", Janet explained.
Her mother looked at Michael irritated. "What is so bad about shopping, Michael? Why don't you want them to go?"
"Well...", he began but trailed off and then he suddenly let you go like you were something really disgusting.
"Nothing.", he now said annoyed, "Go already."
Then he went back into the house and ran up the stairs.
You all watched him leaving, confused but then Katherine said: "Well, have fun you two."
So you finally stepped out of the house and she winked after Janet and you while you walked out on the street.
"Really, Y/N.", Janet said when you two came back from your shopping trip, "I have no idea, what has gotten into my brother."
You just shrugged your shoulders because you didn't want to discuss this.
You just didn't understand it.
Why was Michael like this?
You haven't done something wrong and you only knew him for a day...
"Oh, you're are back, girls!", Randy said hardly that you were inside the house.
"The girls are back!", he then screamed over his shoulder.
All members of the family came into the living room, hugging you and Janet as if you were lost for years.
All except for Michael.
Janet realised this as well and asked: "Where's Michael?"
"Oh, he's in his room.", Jermaine answered while rolling his eyes, "He is in there since you and Y/N left and he don't wanna come out."
"So what did you all buy? Let me see it!", La Toya suddenly grabbed yours and Janets arms and pulled you up the stairs.
"Oh, nothing much. Just a few shirts and jeans and shoes and-" "Very much.", you interrupted her grinning.
"Okay, okay. Yea."
"Sooo.", La Toya said, "What about a modeling show?"
"Yes!", Janet said excited, "Let's do this!"

After the little show, you all were laying on the ground in the middle of all the new clothes.
"Y/N?", Janet asked.
"Maybe", she said worried, "Maybe Michael had a reason to act like he did..."
"Hm", you mumbled again.
"I think you should go to him.", La Toya also meant.
"Why?", you asked irritated.
"No no, not like apologizing. You have nothing to say sorry about. But you could ask him, if he is okas or so..."
You sighed, knowing it was useless to fight against them.
"If you both say so."
They nodded eagerly and you slowly stood up.
"Do I really have to?", you asked again.
"Yes!", they almost yelled in unison.
You held up your hqnds as a sign of giving up.
When you stood infront of his door, you would rather run away again but you took yourself together and knocked...

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