Chapter 1: Meeting The Brave Girl.

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[Chapter 1: Meeting The Brave Girl.]

Have you ever loved somebody just so much that words can't explain how much you do? Whenever you see them you feel pain, yet, you feel so happy. Your heart beats fast. Your cheeks heat up. You'd do just about anything to see a smile on their face.

It hurts to be apart.

It hurts to be together.

You want to spend just about every moment together.

That can't happen though,Many things stand in the way of your love, making your love seem impossible. Though you keep trying. Anything for that special someone, right?

You only know one thing you want from that person: their love.

To be just consumed by love is an amazing thing, especially if it comes from that special person. 

You just love that someone so much. 

It'd hurt if they'd just disappear from existence.

It was straight after school, Takashi Morinozuka was heading straight to a far away hospital. His little brother had recently broken his foot and of course had to go to the hospital but today was the day he was going to get picked up and Takashi decided to do the honors himself.

They finally arrived in their limo and Takashi got out,along with his cousin Mitsukuni Haninozuka. They both walked into the big,white hospital side by side and headed towards the room of Takashi's little brother. 

They walked mostly in silence until Mitsukuni began talking as some music could be heard. "I wonder where that's coming from~"He smiled as he held his toy bunny  close  to his chest. Takashi simply nodded his head in reply.

The two relatives stopped when they arrived at a room the music seemed to be coming from. There they saw a teenage girl, playing the violin for a group of sick kids. They seemed to be enjoying themselves,even the sickest of them had smiles on their  faces.  Some big. Some small.

The teenage girl that went by the name of Makoto Takeshima. She was about Haruhi's height, maybe slightly smaller,she was really skinny as well. It was almost unheathly how skinny and fragile she was. A few freckles on her face and light, long blonde hair, with beautiful watery blue eyes and her skin, a pale color, looks as if it's white.

The song she played was one of joy, a few of the sick kids started to quietly sing along and some started to hum.

Mitsukuni's smile grew into a bigger one,"That sounds really nice~"He commented. He held his toy, Usa-chan even closer and snuggled to it.

Takashi stayed in silence as he watched the girl play the violin. His expression stayed the same as always, a blank one though he couldn't help but love the music the blonde haired girl was making.

"Makoto-san!"A worried nurse exclaimed. She pushed passed the two high school boys and over to Makoto,taking the violin out of her hands,"Makoto! What have we told you about getting out of your bed! Your heart is weak and any moment it co-"

"The children seemed sad.. I just wanted to cheer them up." Makoto interupted in her usual soft and sweet voice. Her eyebrows furrowed in worry, "Can't i jus-"

"No. Go back to your bedroom." The Nurse that went by the name of Masaki ordered. She pointed towards the room entrance. Makoto sighed and looked over to it, spotting the two hosts. She looked down and began walking slowly out.

Masaki let out a troubled sigh and placed the violin down on a empty table, "Seriously.."

"Ah!"Suddenly a pained, loud noise escaped from Makoto's mouth. She gripped where her heart was. Her knees trembled violently. Panting lightly, she looked up and the last thing she saw before she fainted, a worried expression that was on Mori's face.

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