Chapter 4: Thinking Of You.

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[Chapter 4: Thinking Of You.]

"Takashi-kun!" Makoto called for him. 

Takashi opened his eyes. They were both standing in a beautiful garden full of colourful flowers with the sun shining brightly. In the distance, Makoto was there, standing there in a beautiful yellow dress with her hair faintly blowing in th wind.

She smiled softly,"Takashi-kun.. It's time to say our goodbyes."

Takashi's eyes widened in fear. He would of screamed,'No! Don't leave me!' But no voice came out.

Makoto's eyes softened. She tilted her head to the side, "Goodbye, Takashi-kun. I wish i could of stayed in this world longer but.." Flower petals started to fly through the air, "This heart isn't allowing me." She did a huge grin," Thank you for being my friend!"

"No!" Is what Takashi would've screamed. He ran for her, one hand out. "Makoto!" 

By the time he got to her, she had already disappeared. 

The only thing left was a broken glass heart.

Takashi gasped as he woke up, drenched in sweat. He panted quite heavily. This wasn't the first time he dreamt about her since the first time he met her. 

So this was so called 'love at first sight', eh? Is that what it is?

The tall boy sat up, a tired expression on his face. He glanced to the window and saw it was still dark out. He reached out for his phone and grabbed it, checking the time. 1:30 AM. 

After putting his phone down, he flopped back down on the bed. "..."

'Makoto..'He thought, 'Right now..I'm..'

Makoto shifted in her hospital bed, trying to get some sleep,'Thinking of you.' She thought, 'Right now i'm thinking of  you, Takashi-kun.' 


Later on, after school Takashi headed to the hospital to visit the person he's been thinking about lately. Once he arrived there he got shown to the hall where Makoto's room was located, "Last room on the right." The nurse spoke before turning around and walking away to work.

Takashi nodded his head in thanks, holding the  box of chocolates in his hands. He walked down the hallway with his usual expression on his face before turning and entering the room. What he saw stunned him.

Makoto was sitting up on her bed, crying. The crying was soft before getting loud, "God, please...!"She sobbed, " I don't want to die!" She cried.  Upon hearing the box of chocolates fall onto the floor, she quickly looked to the entrance way,"..Takashi-kun..?"

Before he could stop himself, he ran over and immediately hugged her tightly,"..Don't cry." He spoke. Her eyes widened when hearing his voice. 

"..." Slowly she put her arms around him, hugging him back,"..I can't stop crying.."She spoke quietly.  His grip around her tightened only slightly,  a way of telling her it was alright to cry and to take all the time she needed.

"..Takashi-kun.." Makoto sniffled. "Takashi-kun.."

Time passed.

They didn't know how long exactly they stayed in the same position while Makoto cried. It seemed to go fast. Afterwards, Takashi was sitting down on the chair beside her bed and looking at Makoto while she tried the chocolates he brought her," These chocolates are much better then the ones in the vending machine."Makoto chuckled. Takashi only nodded in reply.

After eating a few, Makoto put the box of chocolates on the bedside table and looked to Takashi,"..Sorry.. I cried so much on  your shoulder.. " She blushed lightly.

Takashi smiled slightly, as if saying it was okay. He leaned in and gently ruffled her hair before pulling away.

Makoto smiled, the blush on her cheeks getting darker,"You are very kind.. Thank you for taking the time to visit me and give me those chocolates.. " She  glanced to the window, "It gets lonely in here so i'm happy to have a visitor."

"..At school..I'm in a host club.."Takashi spoke.

Makoto's eyes widened as he started to speak again then turned to look at him."Host club..? At a school? Cool!"

"I told the other hosts about you.. they'd like to come meet you. Is that okay?"

Makoto's eyes widened. Some tears formed in her eyes. 

People want to meet her?

People are going to come and meet her?

She'll have more visitors?

"..That's..That's more then okay.." Makoto smiled.

Takashi kept that soft smile on his face. Yes, It was without a doubt.. He had fallen in love with this fragile girl.  He didn't have a doubt in the world about it.. but  did she feel the same way about him?

For an hour, they talked. 

And i mean talked. Takashi actually talked. Of course, It wasn't non-stop chattering but still ,he spoke a few times. 

'It was the best hour of my life.'

That's what Makoto had thought.

For once, she was fully happy.

And she couldn't wait for the weekend.. because that was when Takashi was going to bring his friends along to meet her. It was so exciting. She'd see new faces. She'd get friends. She'd be happy even more.

Happiness is what she craves.


Well. Did you enjoy those feeeeels? 

Sorry about the feels! But i hope you liked this updateeee~

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