.:Bonus Chapter:. Her.

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[A chapter to show her weak heart] [ I know, I know. Story  = ended.. I shouldn't do anymore of these bonus chapters but ugghh, i love this story so much I can't believe it's over..I miss it, I want to do more with these two, her.]

[Okay, this one WILL be the last one.]

[Age 9]

"Why? I don't want to go to the doctors!"Makoto cried, her short hair rather messy and her blue eyes watery. " I hate  doctors..!Uuuu..."She burst out into tears.

Miyagi's eyebrows furrowed. He looked over to his wife, Kyoko then back down at his crying daughter. "You have too, Makoto..  You need to get a check up for your heart." Only recently it had been found out; she was cursed with a terrible heart. 

It wasn't bad though, not yet at least.

"Boo! I don't wanna!"Makoto said, crossing her arms and sitting down on the couch stubbornly,"Doctors are meanies! Mean!"

"Makoto.."Kyoko sighed,"If you come, We'll get you some ice cream, how about that?"She smiled kindly at her daughter, watching her eyes light up.

Makoto sniffled, wiping her tears away,"Ice cream..?"

"Yes, cookies and cream.  Your favorite!"Kyoko beamed cheerfully.

Immediately her daughter jumped up off the couch,"Uwahh! Ice cream! Come on, let's go! Hurry!"She said as she raced out the  house.

Miyagi smiled. He looked at his wife, "Trying to beat me, huh?"

Kyoko giggled,"You know it, Miya."

Miyagi rolled his eyes,"I told you not to call me that!"He laughed along with his high school sweet heart.

[Age 12]

Makoto sat on the ground, leaning on the gym wall as she watched her class play sports, watching their laughing faces and smiles on their lips. "..." She hugged her knees to her chest.

'I want to play too.'

'This isn't fair.'

'Why can't I play too?'

She sniffled, tears in her eyes.'I hate this. Why can't I be normal? I want to play with everyone too.. ' She put her face inbetween her knees, sniffling.

After a moment she looked up, wiping her tears. She got up off the ground and walked over to the  game, it was basketball. " H-Hey, guys. I'm allowed to play!"She beamed, a lie cheerfully coming out from her lips.

The PE teacher had gone to run a small school errand, so she couldn't get in trouble.

Kuroko stopped in his path. He blinked, keeping on his usual look, "Really? I thought you weren't allowed to participate in sport, Makoto-san."

"I am this time. My heart has gotten stronger!"  Makoto grinned.

Well, it wasn't the worst heart, in fact it wasn't even that bad but in case, she wasn't allowed to play sport.

"Really?That's great, Mako-chan!"Momoi squealed, passing the ball to her,"Be on our team!"

Makoto smiled wide, her cheeks heating up, "O-Okay..! I'd be happy too."

"You really shouldn't play.." Aya said to Makoto, "I don't think you're fit too yet."

Makoto frowned,"I totally am..You'll see, Aya-chan!"

And so, she played. 

She was happy, playing with her friends.. Ah, a lot of friends she was lucky to have.

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