Chapter 2: Hearts of Sorrow.

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[Chapter 2: Hearts of Sorrow.]

Today was a busy night at the  hospital as usual. Makoto laid down in her bed, asleep.  She was alone in her hospital room ,or otherwise known as her 'bedroom'. It might as well be.. She's been here so long the hospital is like her home.

It was night already. Makoto had fallen asleep a few minutes after the three boys left and hasn't woken up since, so she missed her dinner too.

Masaki let out a soft sigh as she lead Makoto's family to the room of the teenage girl.  She brushed her dark brown hair out of her eyes with her free hand, her other hand holding a clipboard that held a paper of importance.  The tall nurse glanced back at the family that had such grim looks on their faces.

Makoto's father was a tall man that was holding back tears. He was in a black business suit, it could be assumed he just got out of work. His light blond hair was slicked back and his green eyes were teary. He wouldn't stop looking at the ground as he walked. He went by the name of Miyagi.

Makoto's mother, a short woman named Kyoko. Kyoko had straight dark black hair and beautiful watery eyes. She was in a beautiful light blue dress that stopped just below her knees. Her light blue tap shoes  made echoing sounds as she walked side by side with Miyagi, holding his hand.

Lastly, Makoto's little sister that was only eight years old,  Maiko. Maiko had her black hair tied up in twin tails, her emerald eyes were watery as well. She was wearing a red dress with pink stockings, as well as red shoes. The small girls hand tightly gripped Kyoko's free hand.

Masaki looked away from the three, holding back the tears that she wanted to shed.

They finally arrived at the room, "Take all the time you need." Masaki told the family, her voice quiet and soft.

Maiko let go of her mothers hand, walking to Makoto's hospital bed. She went on her tippy toes to look at her sleeping sister," Onee-chan?"

"Shh... Makoto is sleeping." Kyoko gently whispered. She quietly walked to the bed with her partner, letting go of his hand then picking up Maiko,"Good.. I heard she hasn't been sleeping much lately, so it's nice she's getting some rest." Maiko wound her arms around Kyoko's neck.

Miyagi nodded his head in agreement. He looked over at his older daughter, his expression still that of a sad one then glanced to Masaki, "They still can't find a heart to fit her..?" He asked, his voice quiet.

Masaki nodded her head sadly, " not know.." She replied quietly.

 Money isn't a problem. Their family has a lot of it, being rich and all. 

All they need is a heart.

Kyoko closed her eyes for a moment, trying to hold back her tears. She didn't want to cry.. Not in front of Maiko. Biting her lip, she forced those sad tears to stay in.

A new male voice came from the entrance, "Your here? Can i speak to you two please?" Nowaki, a doctor asked Kyoko and Miyagi. The parents nodded their heads.

Masaki walked to Kyoko, gently taking Maiko from her before the two parents walked out of the room to go speak to the doctor.  The female nurse sat down on a chair, holding Maiko who  was starting to cry,"Masa-chan.. Will Onee-chan die?"

The nurse found herself unable to speak as she began tearing up too. All she could manage to say was, "No.. I hope not." In a weak voice. She hugged Maiko gently, Maiko hugged her back with some more force.

From outside the room some sobs could be heard. Female sobs. 

Mumbles of two male voices could be heard, trying to get the crying woman to quiet down and stop crying.  

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