Chapter 3: Another Chance.

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[Chapter 3: Another Chance.]

Makoto kept on running. Her legs were sore and her heart was racing, tears formed in her eyes. She words were desperate, "Please!"She cried as she continued to run in the darkness. She panted heavily as she ran,"Let me at least say goodbye!!" She reached out with one hand as she ran for the light at the end, there standing was her family. Those important to her. "Please!"

Just as she was about to reach the light, she fell down with a crash on the  black ground, letting out a pained cry. She panted, shakily trying to get up, "P-Please...n-no.."She weakly spoke, her voice croaky. "I don't-- I don't want to leave without saying goodbye!" Tears ran down her cheeks, those tears didn't seem like they were going to stop.

 Her eyes were threatening to shut. The pain in her chest wouldn't go away, "Please!" She cried. As soon as she got up just a little bit, she fell back down. Laying on her stomach, she reached out for her family with one hand, "Pl...ease.." Her eyes shut for a moment but she forced them to open. She felt her heart slowly starting to stop forever. "N..o...I..Don't want to di..e.."

Finally her eyes shut, her last final thought was, 'Please be happy...' And with that thought the caring girl was gone forever.


Makoto woke up in her hospital bed with a scream,"No!" She sat up in her bed, panting heavily with her weak heart racing fast. She put her hands on her head, gripping it as she looked down to the bed sheets that were soaked with sweat." No..!" Tears formed in the corner of her eyes,"No!" Her small body began to shake,"No..Please..!"

Masaki came rushing in, along with Nowaki and another nurse that was named Yomi. "Makoto-san!" Masaki shouted in a concerned tone.

Ah,So tonight was 'one of those nights'.

Having a nightmare in which 'you' leave without saying goodbye.

She has those most nights.

"Makoto-sama, please calm down." Yomi gently spoke.

"No..! Get away!" Makoto cried. The tears didn't want to stop. 

"Makoto,  Try and calm yourself! If you don't-" It happened before the doctor could finish speaking.

Makoto let out a gasp, a huge pain in her chest coming. A pain like one in her dreams. "Ahg!"She choked, falling back on her bed. The two nurses and doctor immediately got what needed, their actions were desperate. Would this be the time she'd leave this world?

The tears stopped coming out, her eyes started to shut, "..." Her dream came to mind.

"Let me at least say goodbye!"

Makoto turned her head to look at the three better, her eyes opening. She smiled a huge, gentle smile that showed her white teeth," Goodbye." Feeling like this was the last time she'd be awake, that would be her last final word.

And the last thing she would of  seen was the three carers, tears streaming down their cheeks.  

The last thing she would of heard, was Masaki desparately shouting,"Don't leave us,Makoto!"

Slowly her eyes shut. 

After that fateful event, She didn't wake up for two days.  Just in one night, so much happened. She had an overload of feelings.. She didn't die though.She got another chance. We can't end her tale here, now can we? There's so much that needs to be done.

Please allow her to say goodbye to those most important to her...and please allow her to fall in love.

Today was the day Makoto had woken up, all tired. Nowaki, Masaki and Yomi were all so happy to see her.  They were thankful that wasn't the last goodbye from her..

-Over at Ouran-

 The host club was crazy as usual. Everyone was joyful though, as if they didn't know about the bad things in the world. Tamaki was shouting at the twins for flirting with his so called 'daughter'. Kyoya , of course was writing in that faithful notebook of his.. While Mitsukuni and Takashi were sitting together on  the  couch.

Takashi gazed up at the ceiling, his thoughts were that of 'her'. Her smile. Such a bright smile, despite having such a weak heart.. despite being so close to death, she can still manage such a smile. Oh, And her voice... It's so soft and kind... And how she can tell how the blank-faced boy i feeling..Ah..~

There already was so many nice things that Takashi  could  say about the girl. He hardly knows her..yet...

There's a pain in his chest.

Ah, Could this be love? The pain of love?

"You should smile more often.. That smile is beautiful."

The tall mans cheeks heated up. He smiled only slightly.  Most of the time it was hard to figure out what Takashi was thinking. The hosts would often play a game at guessing what the tall man was thinking of,  but they stopped doing that since they could never guess correctly.

Mitsukuni watched his  cousin with wide eyes. Ah, He knew. Of course he did. A small smile came on his lips. He cuddled Usa-chan,"You're thinking of her..aren't you?"

Takashi blinked, his expression going blank. He turned his head to look at his cousin and after a moment nodded a 'Yes'.

A cute giggle came from the shota boy," I knew it~ You should go visit her again. I'm sure Mako-chan would like it! She's so nice."

"Eh? Who's this 'Mako-chan'?~" The twins suddenly popped up from nowhere, a huge grin on their attractive faces.

"It's a girl Takashi likes!" Mitsukuni beamed.

 Takashi blinked. He looked to the twins who  were smiling so very wide. "Ooh! Is it a girl at our school?" Hikaru asked. "We have to meet her!"

"Mori-senpai,You have to confess~"Kaoru beamed.

Mitsukuni giggled. "She doesn't go to our school.. Her name is Makoto. We met her while at the hospital~ She's in the hospital because she has a weak heart."He pouted.


Tamaki walked up to them with Haruhi and Kyoya, grinning,"We must all go meet her! She could be  Mori-senpai's future wife!"

"Yes. We must meet her!"The twins beamed.

Takashi shook his head 'no'. He looked to his cousin, signaling him to explain. Mitsukuni nodded at him and looked to the others," I don't think Mako-chan would like some strangers  coming in to see her." He nodded,"But! Takashi can go visit her  soon and maybe she'll like to meet you guys!"He beamed cutely and looked to Takashi, who just nodded.

The group started chatting about this mysterious girl while Takashi just looked out of the window, at the beautiful afternoon sky. His thoughts were,' I want to see her.'

Makoto looked out of the window, at the beautiful afternoon sky. Her thoughts were,' It'd be nice if Takashi-kun came and visited me again..' 

The tall man inwardly smiled while the girl just smiled, both looking at the afternoon sky that actually looked quite romantic. The sky was orange and yellow, the colours mixed together to make a beautiful blend and there were hardly any clouds in the sky, the few in the sky looked like they were from a beautiful painting.

'I want to see her.'

'I want to see him.'

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