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Thank you guys so much! I can't express how much I am so thankful for getting me to 1K reads on change! It means the world to me and I'm just so happy!!!!!!! ( I think every sentence might end with an exclamation point.......!) Now I am so sorry for not updating sooner I have been busy with life and just haven't had much time. I hope you guys can understand and now let's just get on to the next chapter!!!

Emmi p.o.v

I took a sip of water and cleared my throat as we just finished another ride. It felt probably like over 200 degrees out here and I was sweating to death! Nobody has recognized us yet. Although some people did look a little suspicious of us." Dad grabbed me by the hand. He steered us all over into the shade. " Okay you're all going to have buddies. I already picked them out for you." I smiled and looked at Avia. " Daxton and Brock are obviously going to be partners with me and mom. Then it's Gavin and Avia and Emmi and Harry." " What?!" I yelled. " Emmi." Dad said giving me a stern look. Since we were far away in the shade no one could hear my Dad using our real names. " Sorry......what?" I said much quieter. " Avia and Gavin are responsible enough to stay in the same part of the park and be okay. Which reminds me." He pulled out the phone all the kids shared and handed it to them. " Call us if any problems." They both nodded and Avia stuck the phone in her bag. " But Emmi you're still younger and we need someone to watch you. Which just so happened to be Harry." I rolled my eyes but nodded as my Dad stood up. " Okay now everyone go have fun!" I stood up and groaned as we started walking.


I got of the ride and went and went over to where Harry was standing before. I wanted to go on a smaller ride. So Harry said he'd wait here for me to get off the ride. " Matt?" I said trying to find Harry. " MATT!" Tears started falling as I couldn't find him anywhere. Finally I gave up and yelled " HARRY!" Some people looked over at me but thought nothing of it. Since nobody recognized me. I stumbled over to a worker. The young girl had blonde curls that tumbled down past her shoulders and bright green eyes. " Are you okay?" She looked at me with worry. I took a deep breath and spoke. " I can't find my family." " oh well do you know their number?" I nodded and took out the slip of paper Dad handed me before.

I quickly dialed it and put the phone up to my ear. " Hello?" I was surprised to hear Harry's voice on the other end. " Harry?" I said still crying. " Emmi! Where are you?" " right near the ride." " Okay just stay there I'll be there in a minute." I handed the phone back to the girl and turned around to see Harry running towards me. " HARRY!!!" I yelled I ran over to him. He pulled me into a hug and I started crying. " Emmi I am so sorry" " It's okay , it's okay." I kept saying as tears filled my eyes again. " I got a phone call and I couldn't hear so I went a little bit away from the ride. I didn't think to know you wouldn't find me. And with the way things have been I thought you would be mad at me."

Harry p.o.v

" It's just...I know you don't like me very much." I said watching as Emmi looked at the ground. " I do like you Harry....I just didn't think you liked me." " What?" I said feeling bad. My own little sister thought I didn't like her. " You stopped visiting right before I was born." She said still looking at the ground. " Emmi...I didn't know.." " I know you were busy and everything but you could of at least called." I soon heard anger in a voice. That's when I realized I did do that. Right before she was born I stopped contacting any of them. Sure I was busy but I didn't even bother to try. " I'm sorry."

Emmi p.o.v

I looked up at Harry. I opened my mouth to say it's okay, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I thought about the first time I remember knowing about Harry.

" Mommy who's that?" I said picking up a picture of Harry. Mom looked at me with wide eyes and quickly grabbed the frame out of my hand. " That's well.....um.... Emmi now I need you to understand this." She picked me up and brought me over to the couch. " You know some people are very busy. Right?" I nodded looking up at her with innocent eyes. " And sometimes those people don't have the time to visit other people. And.....we just have to understand that they can't see us and we might not get to meet them. It sometimes makes you think what did I...I mean the other person did wrong." Tears started forming in her eyes as she shook her head. " I'm sorry it's just what I'm trying to say is that this is your brother and we haven't seen him for a long time. But we have to know he still loves us ok." I again nodded, but still wondered why.

" Whatever let's just go." I said wanting to tell Harry it's okay so bad. It's just this feeling stops me from doing it. I don't know what it is. I just know it's going to take a lot more then sorry to fix this.

Hey it's me again! Sorry I haven't been on wattpad for a while it's just I'm so busy! On June 1st it was my bday ( YAY!) and school. Sadly we don't end until June 20th because of all the stupid snow days we had before, but whatever. So I hope you enjoyed this little filler chapter for now. And I just hope I might update again soon!

- Kate:)

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