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Emmi p.o.v

I laid on my bed my hurtful words echoing in my head.

" I hate you!" " I hate you" " I hate you!"

I don't get why I said them , but I just got so mad. Though I guess they did sort of deserve it. I mean couldn't they just leave me alone to figure out my own problems.

Soon Avia slammed the door open and changed into her pajamas. Then without even looking or saying anything to me she goes to bed.

I glanced over at the clock that said 9:30 I guess I should get some rest. Tears still slipped out of my eyes, but I managed to fall asleep.


I woke up in large bed. The room was spacious and had lots of pictures up on the wall. I closer at the pictures and saw a middle school aged girl with dirty blonde hair was in most. As I hopped out of bed I realized how long my hair was. Quickly rushing over to the mirror I saw the same girl.

" Emmi!" I heard someone yell.

" Yeah?"

" Come out and have breakfast."

" Mmm k" I said with hesitation.

I then walked out to see two other teenagers one boy sat there and next to him was a girl with long dark brown hair. There also was two boys one looking much older then the other.

" Avia?" I said looking at the girl. She quickly looked up with her brown eyes.

She quickly just eye rolled and went back to eating her toast. " Why are you doing that?" I said. The older Avia glanced up and quickly pulled me out of the room.

" Listen Emmi if you're just trying to get me mad again don't bother." She said through clenched teeth. " You already did this to Harry don't you even dare trying it on me."

" What did I do to Harry?"

She huffed and glared at me. " You never stopped hating and being mean to him. So just stop trying to ruin our family."

" But I-"

" Just shut up you selfish jerk." And with that she stomped out of the room. Leaving me alone.


I woke up early that morning with tears running down my face. I just had to apologize to everybody. " Avia I'm so-" I said jumping off my bed and looking at Avia's bed only to find it empty.

It was too early in the morning for her to be downstairs. So I searched through her bed only to find her pajamas bunched up to the side. With that I quickly opened the closet doors. Her bag and most of her clothes and shoes were missing.

" Oh Avia.." I said tears falling again.

Sure I was mad, but I didn't think I would cause her to do this. Then I walked out of my room and knocked on the persons door I knew I could trust.

" Harry?" I whispered as I opened the door.

" Yeah?" I jumped and looked to find him at his desk already dressed for the day.

" Avia she....well she....Harry she ran away." I said my face burning with embarrassment.

" She what!" He yelled.

" Be quiet!" I whisper yelled back. " We have to go find her."

" But shouldn't we tell Mom and-"

" No Harry it's my fault. I should go after her, but I figured I probably needed someone's help." I said making him sigh.

" Fine, but if we don't find her soon I'm calling our parents." He said.

" Deal." With that we shook hands.

I quickly ran back into my room and threw on some athletic shorts, my BabyTard t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers. " Ready." I said walking back to Harry.

He gave me a worried look, but nevertheless we made it out the door. " Okay if I was Avia where would I be?.." I said to myself pacing in circles.

I thought long and hard about the question. Shaking my head at every idea I came up with thinking it was nonsense. Which most of them happened to be. All ideas seemed stupid until one that popped into my head.

" Harry.....music! She sings when she gets frustrated or upset." I said jumping up and down. " And where will we go for that?" Harry said making me stop. " Um...well there's the piano at our house, the music store, Makers recording studios-"

" Stop!" Harry yelled. " Maker does Avia have some kind of key..."

" No, but Dad does! He told all of us where it was in case of emergency!"

" Looks like we're heading to Maker." Harry said. He hurried back inside and came out with the keys to the car. We both hopped in and made it just in time before it started pouring rain.

" Okay let's get inside as quick as we can." Harry said and pulled into the parking lot.

We then both jumped out of the car and ran. My sneakers hitting the pavement and with each step a huge splash. When we finally made it to the door I ran towards the recording studios.

Then I saw her. She sat in the recording studio. Her dark brown hair was sitting all knotted. She had tears falling from her eyes as I heard her singing Forever Love.

" Avia!" I yelled. The door was open so she quickly looked up and cried even more.

I quickly rushed over and ran through the door. I jumped and gave her a huge hug. " I'm sorry." I said tears starting to fall from my eyes too.

" It's okay. " She said and smiled at me. " I just thought it was my fault that you were mad, but I should be sorry too. I shouldn't have pushed you if you weren't ready to tell me."

" No it's fine. I'm just glad we found you." I gave her another hug and we walked over towards Harry. " Let's go home." We both said. We ran back to the car and headed home.

Wait what are we going to say to Mom and Dad?

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