Finally, a day where I woke up late. But I don't know if it was such an improvement though. When I woke up, I saw Sloth sitting on his bed, at the other side of the room, staring at me with an angry face. I got scared shitless and jumped up immediatly. Like nothing happened. 'What is wrong Sloth?' I asked. 'Well...' He started. 'To begin we're almost out of food and we were attacked during the night. I got all recourses by myself and repaired it, Builder.' I looked around me and I noticed two things. 'First of all, thats some crappy repairing you did there, and there and th...'
'Yeah yeah, I get it, I'm not fit to be a builder. What is the next thing you wanted to say?'
'Where the hell is Sayla?'
'She said "Sayla go hunt for food for master and friend. Sayla be back at midday." And took off. That was this morning.'
I realized that we both didn't know what her specialities were, such as my buildings or Sloths clothing. 'Thinking of clothing, the ones I'm in don't fit well and they are really itchy. Can you do something about it?' I asked. 'Only if you go and fix the walls and floor. How did you sleep trough that anyway?'
'Does it matter?'
'Then I won't tell'
'Put your clothes on your bed and I'll fix them. I'll give you my spare clothes.'
Thank you.'
I went out in the spare set of clothing of Sloth which was quite small, but it fitted. I gathered all recourses we needed to repair. When walking back I didn't see Sayla coming, dragging something real big. 'Aah, there you are.' Sloth said when I walked trough the front door. 'Your clothes are just finished. Go to the sleeping room and change before building.'
'Sure, why not.'
I put the recourses away and walked to the sleeping room where I put of my clothes. As soon as I was going to put on my new pants, Sayla came in screaming 'Master, Master, look what Sayla caught!' She stopped and looked at me with blushing cheeks. She closed the door and I put my clothes on as fast as possible. Which was just fast enough because when I finished, the door swung open again, this time with Sayla in underwear only. She looked at me again but this time with a completely blushing face. The door closed again and a few seconds later in swung open again. This time with everyone having clothes on. 'Lets never talk of this again.' I said.
'Sayla agrees.' She said and I wanted to go back working but Sayla pulled me back with an crazy strong arm. 'You have to look what Sayla caught first!' Sayla said. Once outside we stared at the giant pile of meat on the ground, with me and Sloth saying at the same time 'What happened..?'
'Was bad fishy.' Sayla said. I still didn't believe it until I saw the head wasn't chopped in pieces. It was a Megalodon. That must have been one hell of a hard fight. We got him at the back of our house so every time we needed some meat, we could take it and cook it. We went to sleep and Sayla stayed in her bed this time. Sayla and I both facing away from each other to avoid things we both didn't want and uneasy talks. Suddenly Sayla began to sing. 'Yet survived an other day. So east you wouldn't say. Yet another day without having to shout, now I just want keep my eyes shut...'
Primitive Leadership
Random"You will see the world out of my eyes. Everything that happend, how it happend, when it happend." -Builder "Strange text for a dairy, isn't it?" I swept a bit of the sand of the small book. I looked at the back and there was a little extra text. ...