chapter 8

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"Doctor she is losing to much blood"....... "Beep beep beep". " okay doc she is stable do not take her gauze out of her neck because her wounds are terrible".
*Nile pov*
Me Kayla and Darius rushing to the hospital because the hospital saw that Kayla was in her emergency call log so they called her and she called me. I'm so scared but happy I'm scared my girl won't make it but I'm happy that she can be in my arms again.
~5 hours later~
We pull up to the hospital I didn't even let the car stop before I hopped out and took off into the hospital. The nurse at the front desk look scared about how fast I ran when I got up there I asked she told me to go calm down and I did and Kayla and Darius came say with me in just anxious to find out what happened to my baby girl.
~3 hours later~
The doctor came out "Family of Jayla King?" All three of us ran up to him and he was telling us the story and the thoughts came running through my head about how I want to kill him and he said her floor and room number and of course we got on the elevator and went up.
~Jayla pov~
I woke up in a white place I was scared because I thought I was dead but then I heard the beeping noise of the machine that tracks my heart rate and stuff and then I heard a knock on my door I wanted to speak but my throat was hurting so bad. The door opened and my eyes lit up when they met Nile I started crying and he ran to my side and look at me and placed a light kiss on my lips then I saw Kayla walk in I was just balling by then because everyone I love is here with me. You guys are probably wondering what about my parents well sadly the died when I was going on 10 years old in a car crash I miss them a lot.. it still hurts every time I think about them. I felt a warm hand touch mine.. I knew it wasn't Nile because this hand was very soft, and I knew it belongs to my best friend Kayla.

~Kayla pov~

I saw my best friend laying there with tubes running through her hurts my soul to see my best friend laying in the hospital because of that psycho ex boyfriend of hers. I missed my best friend so much even though we are always together it's like a piece of her is always going to be missing. That dude took her happiness and left Nile to try to fix it up just so he can suffer while dealing with a girl that has a broken heart and mixed feelings toward everyone. Darius came over and hugged me and he went hug jay but she said she is hurting to much for that. It was almost mid-night when the lady from the front desk came in and told us it was time to leave.... I kissed her forehead and told her bye she weakly kissed my forehead as well. Nile went over there and planted a soft kiss on her lips which brought tears to my eyes when I just watched them two they are so cute together Nile needs to hurry up and pop the question already.

~Kyle pov~

I sat there in my cell crying my eyes out. I couldn't believe that I did that to her...she was the love of my life and I messed up with her more than twice and I just got so mad when I saw her with Nile I just couldn't get the thought of Jay with another man it hurts me to the bones to see that someone else is treating her like the queen that she is. I was sentenced 25 years for assault with a deadly weapon, 4 counts of attempted murder. I knew I was never going to see Jay's beautiful face ever again.

~Nile pov~

I didn't leave with everyone else the nurse told me I can just spend the night. I laid there on the couch next to Jay's bed and I looked up and watched while her chest slowly rise and fall and then she whispered lightly "Why are you watching me sleep" she said with light giggle. "I was just making sure you were okay....Are you okay?" she slowly turned her head towards me and smiled "Now that you are I am even better" her voice was light and the way her eyes sparkled can make any man melt. I got up and pushed the chair beside her bed and I took her hand in mine and I kissed it...she then lifted my hand to her mouth and planted the softest kiss on the back of my hand. We stayed up almost all night talking about our futures and what we wanted in life. I have been waiting to find the perfect time to propose to her but I know as of now it is not the best time I told Kayla and Darius already but they don't know when it is going to be a surprise to everyone.

~Jayla pov~

It was about 4:00 am and my eyes started growing heavy I was listening to Nile but he started to slowly faded in and out of my mind I was so tired. The last thing I heard from him was to have a beautiful family and then everything silenced....Pastor Murphey: You may kiss the bride.... Nile looked into my eyes and cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately it was like a dream come true we were married and my family and friends were there with me clapping. I WILL KILL YOU!!! as I turned around I saw Kyle there with a gun in hiss hand pointing at Nile. I begged him not to do this and once his finger pulled the trigger I jumped in front of Nile and I was shot in my stomach. The last thing I saw was everyone rushing to me screaming and Nile shaking then.... I woke up in puddle of sweat and I was breathing heavy. I opened my eyes to see Nile with worried eyes and he asked if I was okay. I looked around the room and doctors were in there as well watching over me. I told them yes and then everyone left. Nile came up to me "He was there wasn't he?" he said in low voice I weakly nodded at him. He knew that I have been having nightmares about Kyle and he worries about me a lot.. but I don't want him to worry to much.

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